
Act 3 will be shorter than act 2
If Act 2 was 32 chapters then act 3 will be 25 /6 max

Act 3 has 19 chapters already .
The act will end with BM & kaido beating kidd & luffy then Law saving them.

Then post act 3, we will find out about Navy, warlords , Teach and Shanks, revos.
been 4-5 chapters since we havent reached from one harbor to another....it is so slow pace I wouldnt be surprised even if we dont Reach Onigashima this chapter as well...seeing how sluggish its going chapter 1000 itself could be finally Luffy's entrance to Kaido's Chamber
I hope Oda uses the Flying Six to solve the "Strawhat" problem. Meaning that every arc since the timeskip, the majority of the Strawhats don't have the ability to get stronger or surpass their limits. I hope these 6 are introduced with the idea that 5 or 6 Strawhats get significant battles. My guess is Drake will turn on Kaido, so he won't be a factor. But at least 5 of them could could match Brook, Franky, Nami, Robin and Chopper. I still think Usopp should fight Orochi, because it's be fucking hilarious and Orochi seems cunning and strong enough to be Usopps battle at least.

Plus God Usopp lol.

That way Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe could fight the Ace, King, Queen, and Jack respectively, while the remaining supernova's and factions fight a mix of the Numbers/Big Moms crew

THEN the final battles turn to Kaido/Big Mom, where they are huge/Oars like fights with a ton of people teaming up on them. Yes, Luffy would get the final blow but this is why I almost expect Luffy to get another fight first (Like Don Chinjao or Cracker or Blueno) before Kaido. The possible "Ace" seems like a good start.

This NEEDS to be the time where Oda spends 50-60 chapters on battles and personal fights. Nearly 400 chapters of setup so we need significant payoffs with longstanding action scenes. 2 Yonko and their entire crews need to go down this arc (well, maybe not big Mom just yet), it needs to be brutal and long.
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