Future Events The Ancient Kingdom, Ancient weapons and The World Government

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You can't win
As the title says, decided to focus this topic on the existence of the ancient kingdom, the ancient weapons and the world government. Indeed, there existed an ancient kingdom in the past with immense power, whose origin is however unknown at this point

Though there have been hints left helping us to know that:
  • The first 20kingdoms allying themselves against that ancient kingdom and being perceived as enemies, said alliance of nation coincidently setting up the birth of the world government 800 years ago

  • The D being mentioned as enemies to the celestial dragons who are infact the descendants of the creators, who were the respective kings of the first 20kingdoms
I believe then from this, we can assume that the ancient kingdom in question was a place where the Ds were originally leaving before being destroyed by the alliance of nations aka as world government. But the Ds bloodline although it became extremely rare, survived through time with few of them occasionally appearing once in a while, with their existence being perceived as a threat to the celestial dragons who want to preserve the secret of what happened during the void century. It's for that reason that the gorosei are always nervous everytime a D comes to be known.

Furthermore, these Ds in question as some kind of reassurance from knowing they'd ultimately be defeated by the alliance of nations, decided to do some extra-measures in order for their existence to remain known as well as eventually overthrowing the world government in the future.

To do this, they needed help, help coming from their closest allies in the world, with a major one being the Kozuki clan from Wano.

  • Kozuki clan had the ability to forge indestructible poneglyphs, and use the ancient writings to spread informations about the ancient kingdom
  • Kozuki clan of Wano due to being close allies to the ancient kingdom and after the ancient kingdom got destroyed, they were forced to close their borders as a way to protect the secrets of the ancient kingdom and act against the newly formed ally of nations, also known as world government
  • Some of those celestial dragons interested in gaining even more power especially from the country known as country of gold in the past tried to invade Wano though
  • But it was at that moment that Ryuma led an opposition that pushed the world government to back off from the kingdom and declare them as outside of their juridiction
  • And the true purpose of Wano closing it's borders coming when it'd be time for Wano to be re-opened
Said time coming when 3 conditions would be fulfilled
  1. The discovery of Laugh Tale
  2. The revival of the ancient weapon
  3. Joyboy's successor to guide the ancient weapons
Furthermore, among the first 20kingdoms setting the birth of world government as mentioned above, although speculative, i believe something unexpected happened among them, which was the betrayal of one of them, the Nefertari of alabasta, who eventually became ally to the ancient kingdom instead. I believe the nefertari regretted their actions against the ancient kingdom after discovering the truth and thus decided to repay their debt by helping to protect the secret of ancient kingdom by coming back to Alabasta while protecting one of the poneglyphs unknowingly to the rest of the nations, said poneglyph which led to the location of one of the ancient weapons(pluton), but whose location is still unknwon to us yet

However there have been hints showing before that the weapon was created in Water7, since Water7 the pluton's blueprint was passed down through generations there with Water7 known to have the best technology in terms of shipbuilding in the world with Pluton being mentioned to be the world strongest battleship, which judging by Iceberg's and especially Franky's reaction, should be too massive for a human to make.

Also, Tom who migrated from fishmen island to Water7 at one point ended up getting the blueprint of pluton which was originally left in order to fight against the original pluton, in case a bad guy found it, especially the world government.

But despite being created in Water7, i actually think it didn't remain there. It's location has been shifted to another place with the ones who shifted such a massive battleship being the seakings. But before reveling it's location, i'd first like to focus on another ancient weapon, named Poseidon.

We know through Robin that the poneglyph from sky island indicated that the ancient weapon known as poseidon was located in Fishmen Island, but unlike pluton which is material, poseidon is actually a living mermaid, which comes to live every few decades.
800years ago though, the one named Joyboy made a promise related to noah to fishman island through the mermaid princess, a promise he was unable to fulfil and i believe he was unable to fulfil this because his country was getting destroyed by the alliance of nations at that time and thus directly hinting at the fact that Joyboy was a D, and infact judging by the influential power he had to make a promise between 2 nations, he was likely the original king of the ancient kingdom.

Joyboy however had no ability to control neptunians, but he had the ability to guide the mermaid living at the time to control those neptunians, with him despite dying at the time, made sure to leave a message that his successor will eventually come to fulfil that promise with the Ship of promise known as Noah.

And the successor of the current age imo is Luffy, who already showed a similar ability when he unconsciously guided the current mermaid to control the seakings

Beyond this though, one must question the importance of Noah into all this. Why is Noah this important and specifically made to be pulled by seakings controlled by an ancient weapon(Poseidon)?
I believe it's important because it's a warship, which indirectly hints at it being pluton. Now remember i told before, it was created in Water7, but that it was implied to be impossible for a human, and i believe it's because it was created by fishmen-shipbuilders on the Water7 surface before getting pulled back in fishmen district with the power of seakings and seeing the way Tom was flashback introduced, it's perfectly believable especially when he ended up being the one inheriting the blueprint of pluton at one point.

Though now Noah is damaged, but the seakings implied to know who could repair it, maybe a family of ship-building leaving in fishmen island.
We know Den was also a ship-builder, potentially hinting at Tom's family to be the one.

Tom also was in possession of portions of the adam tree know as the strongest tree and thus ideal for an ancient weapon like pluton known as the world's most terrible battleship, with Tom using it to create the orojackson. And in fishmen island,it has been implied by Usopp there may be a relation between the Sun Tree Eve and Adam tree, with both trees likely being related to original "Adam" and "Eve". All of this making it very likely then that Noah is indeed another name for Pluton.

But that's not all. There is a third ancient weapon, which unlike poseidon or pluton, has not even being properly adressed in the manga yet, however there is one hint that could help to know what it might be, and it's related once again to the Kozuki clan from Wano. The Kozuki clan from Wano weren't only known for their poneglyphs, they were also linked to the voice of all things, voice of all things which i believe Joyboy and his successors had as well, but with the kozuki family likely like in a similar case to mermaid in fishmen island, having one of their descendant born with the ability to control the third ancient weapon, with the current descendant born with that ability being Momonosuke. And if you followed up until yet, you'd realize what the ancient weapon i'm referring to is. Yes i believe it's Zunisha, who has been Zou's homeland for thousand years, so even before the void century.

It has also being questioned before where Zunisha was walking towards these 1000years
And while it's a bit speculative now, i think it's walking to reach Laugh Tale, because it's an unknown location which can only be reached after connecting the information of the 4 road poneglyphs, something only the pirate king's crew accomplished before.

Also considering the Kozuki clan is the creator of the poneglyphs, with a loyal country like Zou getting a road poneglyph, i think it's likely that Wano either has the final
road poneglyph or has a document leading to the final one, especially when they have their borders closed for centuries for a reason, with any inside informations being unknown to the outside world.

Knowing all this explains then why it was mentioned that we'd get closer to one piece by the end of Wano because by the end of Wano,

  • We'd get Kaido, Big Mom's, Zou's road poneglyph copies, with us either getting the final one in Wano or a hint to the final one, all that leading to Laugh Tale's discovery.
  • Wano opening it's borders heading towards a change in the world of one piece
  • We'd get closer to the secret of all 3 ancient weapons
  • Joyboy's successor of the current age(Luffy) would be closer to guide the ones controling the ancient weapons, as well as Vivi likely becoming a full nefertari ally like in ancient times
I think also beyond this that there is a reason why Toki travelled so long in the distance future to reach Wano. The first thing someone who lived during the void century
mentioned is wanting to reach Wano. It's because Wano is the catalysm of everything that will happen afterwards.

That was it for me. Hope you enjoyed reading :cheers:


I love the part about the Kozuki clan closing the borders of Wano to protect the remnants of the ancient kingdom. And the part about Ryuma leading the war against the WG on Wano got me super hyped. I hope this becomes true.

I always thought the Seakings were referring to the Kozuki Clan or someone from Wano as Noah's repairers. I just think Franky would have noticed/said something if the Noah was Pluton. Add to that it really didn't "look" like a badass battleship that can destroy islands, etc... But Oda could pull it off.

I also love the part about Zunisha walking towards Laugh Tale, but since its location is unknown, it's been walking for 1000 years. It'd be a cool twist if Zunisha was Uranus since most people expect it to be something that travels by flying. Poseidon (sea), Pluto (land), Uranus (sky).

The next 3-4 chapters will definitely contain Void Century, Ancient Kingdom and Ancient Weapon information. There is too much chatter from the editors about this flashback and Oden has been connected to all the world's secrets for his flashback to end with just the regular One Piece teasers but no answers. We're too deep into the manga now to still not make any real progress on the most anticipated plot thread of the series in many people's view.

Damn you bro you got me hyped for the upcoming chapters when we're on break :lusalty:

But overall great job putting all of this together :cheers:


You can't win
I love the part about the Kozuki clan closing the borders of Wano to protect the remnants of the ancient kingdom. And the part about Ryuma leading the war against the WG on Wano got me super hyped. I hope this becomes true.
Yeah i'm also hyped about this especially with Toki who has been present in the void century age and thus could give us some good story about Wano of ancient times

I always thought the Seakings were referring to the Kozuki Clan or someone from Wano as Noah's repairers. I just think Franky would have noticed/said something if the Noah was Pluton. Add to that it really didn't "look" like a badass battleship that can destroy islands, etc... But Oda could pull it off.
I used to think this as well, but what made me believe not this to be the case is the fact the Kozuki clan is known as stonemassons, not ship-builders

Damn you bro you got me hyped for the upcoming chapters when we're on break :lusalty:
It was the goal :pepedoffy:

I also love the part about Zunisha walking towards Laugh Tale, but since its location is unknown, it's been walking for 1000 years. It'd be a cool twist if Zunisha was Uranus since most people expect it to be something that travels by flying. Poseidon (sea), Pluto (land), Uranus (sky).

The next 3-4 chapters will definitely contain Void Century, Ancient Kingdom and Ancient Weapon information. There is too much chatter from the editors about this flashback and Oden has been connected to all the world's secrets for his flashback to end with just the regular One Piece teasers but no answers. We're too deep into the manga now to still not make any real progress on the most anticipated plot thread of the series in many people's view.
And this is true as well. Can't wait for the next chapters.
But overall great job putting all of this together :cheers:
You're welcome :funky:
And while it's a bit speculative now, i think it's walking to reach Laugh Tale, because it's an unknown location which can only be reached after connecting the information of the 4 road poneglyphs, something only the pirate king's crew accomplished before.
Since the last chapter I have my own speculation/theory about the 4road poneglyphs and the final walking to reach Laugh Tale the last island. Neko and Inuarashi talk about 5 Island overall in the whole world:

Everything going down into these 5 islands, even the 4 poneglyphs implying the last island.
In my opinion Inuarashi and Neko didn´t think false, probably they get a info about the status of the world before it "change" 800years ago. Everything suggest that the redline wasn´t their 800years ago, it would explain why people beliving for the all blue.

I bet the big red wall around the world as we know and see in the current timeline of One piece, wasn´t their 800 years ago:

We all know what is the most important point of the One piece manga story, about Luffy dream freedom.
But seeing how the world is closed by a big red wall stone who blocked all four continents, its feel like the world is right now a prison, which speak against Luffy freedom dream.

With Inuarashi telling about 5 islands, im sure that isn´t wrong what he said, but his and the minks knowledge about the world is just 800 years ago, since that manythings changed. When Inuarashi telling about 5 islands, im sure he talking about 4 big Continents Each blue,west blue,north blue,south blue and the ancient kingdom in the center(remember the map with the 4poneglyphs and laugh tale?).
Back then the the continents wasn´t split in multiple islands, probably back then their wasn´t even a red line around the world.

Im sure Imu sama is the reason why all this happening(theory about Imu and the red line can read here by a other user who make a fantastic work: https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/for...inal-arc-ragnarok-from-admiral-ryokugyu.1226/ )

Ragnarok is the final stage and the red line need to get destroyed(reason why the fishman island getting destroyed later).
Probably the laugh tale is just a part of the old city of the ancient kingdom who get saved by a ability who could control space and time. The orginal ancient kingdom was complete erase from the kingdom and im sure right now where Marie Joa stands, it was the previous place of the ancient kingdom, the centre of all four continents...

It will be really interesting to see the final stage of One piece, hyped already to learn more about laugh tale as the editor speak about it that we gonna learn it at the end of wano arc.

Anyway a great theory/speculation @Bogard , I just edit my part/though about the islands and the red line.


Since the last chapter I have my own speculation/theory about the 4road poneglyphs and the final walking to reach Laugh Tale the last island. Neko and Inuarashi talk about 5 Island overall in the whole world:

Everything going down into these 5 islands, even the 4 poneglyphs implying the last island.
In my opinion Inuarashi and Neko didn´t think false, probably they get a info about the status of the world before it "change" 800years ago. Everything suggest that the redline wasn´t their 800years ago, it would explain why people beliving for the all blue.

I bet the big red wall around the world as we know and see in the current timeline of One piece, wasn´t their 800 years ago:

We all know what is the most important point of the One piece manga story, about Luffy dream freedom.
But seeing how the world is closed by a big red wall stone who blocked all four continents, its feel like the world is right now a prison, which speak against Luffy freedom dream.

With Inuarashi telling about 5 islands, im sure that isn´t wrong what he said, but his and the minks knowledge about the world is just 800 years ago, since that manythings changed. When Inuarashi telling about 5 islands, im sure he talking about 4 big Continents Each blue,west blue,north blue,south blue and the ancient kingdom in the center(remember the map with the 4poneglyphs and laugh tale?).
Back then the the continents wasn´t split in multiple islands, probably back then their wasn´t even a red line around the world.

Im sure Imu sama is the reason why all this happening(theory about Imu and the red line can read here by a other user who make a fantastic work: https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/for...inal-arc-ragnarok-from-admiral-ryokugyu.1226/ )

Ragnarok is the final stage and the red line need to get destroyed(reason why the fishman island getting destroyed later).
Probably the laugh tale is just a part of the old city of the ancient kingdom who get saved by a ability who could control space and time. The orginal ancient kingdom was complete erase from the kingdom and im sure right now where Marie Joa stands, it was the previous place of the ancient kingdom, the centre of all four continents...

It will be really interesting to see the final stage of One piece, hyped already to learn more about laugh tale as the editor speak about it that we gonna learn it at the end of wano arc.

Anyway a great theory/speculation @Bogard , I just edit my part/though about the islands and the red line.
The destruction of the red line has been one of the most foreshadowed end of series events. Most people have been able to predict it. It’ll be interesting to see if Oda will change it or do it in an unexpected way.


Yes most people predicted it, and it's likely it'd be related to this event

Most people have said it'll go down like this, find One Piece on Laugh Tale -> Leads to Marejois War and Red Line Destruction -> Fishman Island being destroyed under the Red Line -> Noah carrying all the Fishmen to the surface -> Prophecy fulfilled.

Oda said he'd change the ending if the fans were able to correctly guess it, which worries me as a fan since the series has been coherently building up to this conclusion. I bet he means he'll change the way it's executed or some details rather than the entire premise.
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You can't win
Zunisha isn't that destructive though ( an Ancient Weapon should be more destructive than her )
Zunisha is a country size creature(actually bigger), that from a simple order used a no named attack and that no named attack eradicated an entire fleet in an instant. Pretty certain it was far from the best it could do. Momonosuke could be an alternate choice though assuming that like Shirahoshi with the seakings, he could have the potential to control beasts as powerful as Zunisha
In Wano. Toki who comes from the void century wanted to reach Wano first and fore most

Really good post, just one minor thing. Toki was probably born at the very end of the Void Century, and likely didn’t live through much of any of it. She probably had to jump forward in time to escape whatever was going down. Wano and the Kozuki were definitely very important.
A rare write-up on this forum riddled with only power level posts. Like @playa4321 pointed out the 5 island theory floating around, it would give credence to the fact that Wano used to be geographically different from how it is now.

We've seen how Toki teleporting Kinemon and co. to the exact location in Oden castle, why then would she end up in some random island outside of current Wano through her time jumps? Either Wano was merged with other islands that formed the ancient kingdom altogether(That could kinda explain why Shandora and Wano both used to be city/country of gold).
That would also explain the popular Oars theory.

I also can't wait to see if the Amatsuki clan was wiped out or if it was the previous name for Kozuki's. From the looks of it, the Shimotsuki clan seems to be the brawn and Kozuki clan the intellectual class, It would be interesting to see how Amatsuki would fit into this system.

As for the ancient weapon predictions, I mostly agree with them except Uranus has a bunch of equally convincing theories and if Noah was in fact Pluton it would've been nice to see Franky react/comment on the similarities between Noah and the blueprints he saw.

On the topic poneglyphs I'm curious if there's any connection between a poneglyphs location and the information it holds or is it all random. Like does having info about Poseidon in Jaya mean that FI and Shandora were intimately connected?

We've also yet to see the instructional poneglyphs in the story, I wonder if we'll ever get them. All we've had are information poneglyphs which make up the rio poneglyph.

I'm just rambling lol, I have a ton of thoughts about many things, especially in this break week. Maybe I will make a separate post.
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Heavy Metal
Damn good post. Really good reading here. I am really hyped to see how this all Comes together at the end, how this big Story and this big history, way bigger than Luffy himself, gets connected.

I am also very important who the hell Joyboy was. Why did he what he did, how did he know someone will come, who the hell was he. Hope we will get Infos about him later and he wont stay a shadow of the past.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Dudes. What if Clover's theory was wrong ?
What if the Great Kingdom was Marie Geoise ?
What if Wanokuni was part of the 20 funny nations ?
What if Joy Boy was Great Imu ? ... nah maybe not this one lol

Anyway I hope you'll get your answers soon.
It's painfull to see all of you struggling with the same questions all the time
Also countless readers did die before the end ... maybe I'll be part of them soon.
Wow, what a great write up. I never thought of Noah being Pluton, but I guess it is possible. I'm still wondering if the moon is tied to Raftel though. I mean between the cresent mark on the Kozuki clan and those weird hieroglyphics? on the moon in Enel's side story, I think it has some purpose. The gravity of the moon itself controls the tides and would make a good continent destroyer if it could be weaponized somehow. That's why I always thought it could be Uranus. I could be wrong though.