Recent content by DesireDeMia

  1. DesireDeMia

    General & Others Am I the only one waiting for only one thing: the end of Wano

    J'ai hâte que Wano se termine et je suis sûr que je ne suis pas le seul à pouvoir enfin passer à autre chose et attaquer ce qui en vaut vraiment la peine : The Final War, The Shanks et BN Crew. Wano est l'arc le plus décevant de la saga et ne sera jamais au-dessus d'un arc comme Enies Lobby ou...
  2. DesireDeMia

    General & Others If you can spend a day with a One Piece character, which one would it be?

    Personally I think it would be Robin for me, she looks really cool and kind as a girl, the one with whom we can talk about everything. Not to mention that his rather introverted character would surely get along well with mine.