Powers & Abilities Wings dynamic this arc confirms something about Sanji's power

Don't forget about their other upgrades & events:

Zoro - Sanji

- Visual effects: black lightning (haki) and white lightning (electric sparks)
- New weapon: outside of the body (enma) and inside of the body (exoskeleton)
- Main stats: strength increase and agility increase
- Main attributes: attack power increase and defense increase
- Hero acts: saving Hiyori and saving Momo
- Damage done: destroys Wano's cliff and destroys Wano's townhouses
- Rejuvenation: affecting body (double damage) and affecting mind (change of personality)

- Saving an escort
- Being hugged by said escort
- Saving a little girl (shared with Luffy too)
- Clash with Wano authorities
- Broken bones

So, Wings' dynamic or lazy writing?