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Guys I’m realizing it while watching movies and clips from movies with Yoshio Harada.

His whole fucking thing is fighting a shit ton of people at once

He might literally clap everyone if Oda really wants to homage him lol
I just watched Ronin gai and man, is this guy's acting on point. He's basically staggering across the whole movie. And does he have any lines that do NOT require him slurring his speech?
Never, not even for a second are you doubting that he is an actual drunken alcoholic.
I’ve seen a lot of youtubers saying that Pluton is under Wano… if that’s true, then I’m willing to bet Kaido and BM probably found it after landing in the lava… cuz lets be honest, I doubt those 2 died from lava. Even Kaido’s last form was basically him covered in magma. What if Pluton is a ship just chilling/floating on lava down there?

What y'all think?
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