
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
@RayanOO Check the GIF in my signature 😤
MD Zolo
That will work till Pixar comes up with a movie about cloths if they haven't done it already.
Just a member
I would be freaked as hell if a pair of blue jeans starts talking to me
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
@Just a member Fair enough, but once the shock wore off, would you give a shit about their thoughts on your presentation about how many chocolate chip cookies you can eat in one sitting?? I rest my case.
Of course I misread your post (unintentionally 🤪)
Don’t acknowledge feces = don’t acknowledge shits
My boi Jew pulling all kinda wisdom out there 💔😂
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
@Ali THIS is where I would use a laughing GIF!! Can you imagine how funny it would be if I did that?! 🤣🤩😏
My face rn is the perfect laughing gif for you 😂💔
This is true tbh. And above all, the sincerity of what you're speaking of in front of the crowd magnifies your confidence a few notch higher. People are speaking in public for a reason and they are to listen for an almost the same reason - common interest. And when you shared views and opinion, there's only a minuscule percentage that somebody will dick you off the panel.
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
@Gambit I love that you read my stupid bullshit and decided to spit some real knowledge 👏🙌
@Jew D. Boy It picks my interest when people are sharing good shit. As an former instructor IRL, I tend to speak a lot in front of the crowd often but I will admit, it really was intimidating for the first few outings. My head is filled with gas, it numbs, and my palms were sweating as fuck. I felt that Immna collapse anytime soon. LOLOLOL.
But I realized, regardless of my composure on stage, the wisdom that I was sharing with them made them feel honored. And there's no reason for me to be scared anymore because it gave me comfort educating them.
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
@Gambit Then I’d say you’re the perfect person to comment on this matter! I’ve never been scared to talk in front of people, I did theater from 4th grade through college and have always been a generally gregarious person, but I know it’s a huge fear for a lot of folks 😿
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
I’ll say this - @Gambit is completely correct that having confidence in and a passion for what you’re talking about is a tremendous boost, but I would add that NOT giving a shit about anything has always worked for me...nihilism really prevents you from fearing anything, because nothing matters 😈😬
Us introverts really fear public and it's normal but overcoming fear is becoming the fear itself. Have a mindset that you are more dick than the people in front of you. The only reason why most people are scared is because: 1. They were bullied/humiliated in public as kids; 2. They were slammed before or in the act of speaking for no reason at all; 3. They are shy in nature and nobody has told them how to face it.
You did theater? Wow! I also did back in college and that was in 2003 LOLOLOL! But that was because it's part of my curriculum. I really hated it because fucking professor made me cry in the process of internalization.
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
@Gambit Dude, you really hit on something there...it’s really about unlearning the behaviors and insecurities that other people beat into you, and realizing that you have intrinsic value and your opinions matter more than certain bad-faith parties have led you to believe. What a fuckin’ spot-on message you just provided!!
Because that was me myself. Raised in a community where bullies are everywhere and I needed to fight back. Even in school, my classmates were rich and always compared their living to me and label me as such depending on how they saw me. Eveything changes when somebody has acknowledge that I have a potential and it sparked an idea that I could beat them in a different form: mentally and physically.
Somehow, the demon in me emerged and took part in the way I live life but that's all a facade. People should start to realize what they are capable of and what they couldn't and start from it. It's not only limited to public speaking but a bigger picture of reshaping your individuality and purpose in life. When you have a purpose, you are fucking unbreakable. And that's when you become the fear itself.
Jew D. Boy
Jew D. Boy
@Gambit I want that last comment to be the new banner for this forum. Fuck the bullies that pushed you around, but you are so much better and stronger for the experience...absolutely LOVE to see it 🤩😤👍