I lasted longer than that clown Hara
Thing is. Hara's decline goes way too hard and at an consistently awful pace too. At this rate we'll be in hell in a few arcs.
You know Zhao is finished when people think Keisha is up to getting a GH seat, no wonder RBK started desperately nominating Shitbumsho for the spot for years.
Can this clown win a single exchange against one armed Man'U?
@Elder Lee Hung
Legit insane what he did against Moubu, that's how they should've introduced Shitbumsho. Blud slayed some fodder and killed an Akou that was 5 secs from dying of blood loss like what
I thought Manu's face looked weird. Now in comparison I think he has peak design.
I'm losing faith tbh @Elder Lee Hung @Owl Ki @God Buggy @Bullet @TheKnightOfTheSea @SakazOuki
I'm starting to think this random Chu lord may be stronger than Tik-tok star Shitbumsho. I hope Man'U ends up Top 3 in...
This bitch didn't feel bad when Ji Aga got wrecked and collapsed to the ground like a sack of shit even being ignored by his own brother, but he saved Sou'Ou's cum dump??
Thank God I dropped
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