So basically you saying Zoro doesnt have Adv CoC at all or what? What is KoH then? KoH is just CoA?
You are condradicting the Manga and dont even realize it. Zoro using CoC to enhance his swords is literally KoH and chapter 1033 where fodder around King feint is the clear proof.
Then you need to read Zoro v King fight again. Its the very moment Zoro learns how to use CoC that he is able to control Enma and clouds swirl around his sword and he calls it KoH - in addition all the fodder around King drop down to the floor as Oda confirmed undoubtedly that it is due to the...
Bruh, KoH is literally CoC
Only logical explanation is that he was running out of energy and was forced to back down to save his reserves. CoC cannot be used unlimited and is the sword he isnt using Enma? Would make sense since Enma without CoC usage is uncontrollable.
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