If i was a mihawk fan i would bet my money on that, especially with the nickname reveal marine hunter and all that. It fits too well imo
Also i really cant think of stronger people than Admirals that oda would let mihawk pack up at this point.
We already run out of 3 billion berry captains :saden:
Thats their main thing tho. We got even a chapter with sengoku how bad they are fucking them up. At this point i could sooner see CG defeating an admiral than any of the Strawhats beside luffy
I mean depending on how big the L is Kizaru is taking here and Cross Guild shenanigans The marines might be cooked before the last arc/laugh tale
An admiral is one of the last things left to hype cross guild as they hunting marines now and i cant imagine oda being so cruel that he is not gonna...
I didnt quote you one time but you keep riding my dick unprompted to collect those rhetorical Ls, this is like the fourth time or something. im good man i dont swing that way. Certain characters seem to be not the only one living in your bubble rent free, get it out of your head and out of your...
He is trying to communicate that your opinion is so ridiculous in his eyes and literally cant happen so you must be a clown, as in someone with no logic
No normal person thinks that. if you read the last spoiler/chapter thread everyone called the SHs retarded for not locking lucci and Kaku up
Sanji as always is the only tardwrangler in the crew
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