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  1. TheAncientCenturion

    Worstgen Pokemon Tournament: Electric Boogaloo (Sign-up thread)

    Master Wake was an unprecedented challenge.
  2. TheAncientCenturion

    Worstgen Pokemon Tournament: Electric Boogaloo (Sign-up thread)

    Wdym, I just beat it last year :willight:
  3. TheAncientCenturion

    Worstgen Pokemon Tournament: Electric Boogaloo (Sign-up thread)

    I did add some modern pokemon like Garchomp and Staraptor to spice things up.
  4. TheAncientCenturion

    Worstgen Pokemon Tournament: Electric Boogaloo (Sign-up thread)

    Hey reloaded what category should I use when making my team? I know if you choose some, they don't always work with other players categories. From my game with Playa, I had to swap out Pokemon due to that