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  1. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    @Luka whenever you are ready sent a message.
  2. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    gg @Mr. Reloaded update the bracker challenge when you can. I won.
  3. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    ok. Arxontas
  4. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    It doesn't work
  5. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    Is your username the same as here? Sending invite as arxontas
  6. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    Yes,Let's do our round ,so I can lose and focus on the Euro match:kriwhat:
  7. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    There is a one time use herb to do what you wanted. Though I don't know what item you had and need to replace for the herb.
  8. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    Gg So @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier is my next opponent right?
  9. Afroking

    Pokemon Tournament End: Sir Yasheen wins!

    Alright my username is arxontas. So do we this? Do we wait for a spectator? Or is there a recording feauture?