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  1. Topi Jerami

    Current Events Will Sanji do something against Kaido

    Poor Kaido. Judge's son will do his usual thing everytime he sees a fish. B-but Kaido is a male!! Yeah last time I checked, Judge's son isn't the greatest at telling which is male, which isn't..
  2. Topi Jerami

    Current Events Will Sanji do something against Kaido

    It's going alright. New week, new proof. Judge's son used to be able to dodge jellybean. Now he can't dodge and gets trapped in spider's web. "But but spider web isn't living thing!!" Yeah shut up, jelly bean isn't too See you next week, by then there will be new proofs again :madmonk:
  3. Topi Jerami

    Current Events Will Sanji do something against Kaido

    @Chrono 's weekly threads that will get debunked instantly in next week.