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  1. Fn Lucci

    Break Week Top 20 most sold series 2020 (from Oricon)

    Dude of all manga, name the titles that have made it to 20 years or 60 volumes before seeing a decline in sales
  2. Fn Lucci

    Break Week Top 20 most sold series 2020 (from Oricon)

    The reason I stop you here is because this itself describes a simple problem that is aside from the issues taken. After all, it's very presumptuous to believe that performance centered around the fanbase in another country would echo your nitpicks. But look at this simple problem: a decade of...
  3. Fn Lucci

    Break Week Top 20 most sold series 2020 (from Oricon)

    Yeah, it definitely is in striking range for several and can definitely be surpassed in a given year, I just don't go along with a narrative that it's slipping. A hot new series is a hot new series no matter the consistency that's being dragged of the top dog. Anime is the biggest promotion and...
  4. Fn Lucci

    Break Week Top 20 most sold series 2020 (from Oricon)

    Demon Slayer had a massive year, but it's not only finished its run, but mostly already released internationally. In the US we already have volume 17. It has a non existent chance of reporting anything close to the same figures next year which is including the digital copies for that series to...
  5. Fn Lucci

    Break Week Top 20 most sold series 2020 (from Oricon)

    Newer series that are competitive, nothing wrong with that. I don't know those series, glad if you like them. But they flat out don't beat OP and won't. Here's a statement informed from sales data regarding last year...
  6. Fn Lucci

    Break Week Top 20 most sold series 2020 (from Oricon)

    ROFL Demon Slayer is a concluded series. There's a lot of bias needed to believe that OP has fallen tremendously just because you aren't satisfied. Meanwhile on an OP message board.