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  1. LolonoisZolo

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 1035 “Camaraderie Cups”

    Rathaired and Mousehaired being the same is just a random speculation. Basing your reasoning on a silouhette of what vaguely seems to be an elbow and a third of a scar while we can see that Oda is making drawing mistakes left and right and all this while shitting on a perfectly reasonable theory...
  2. LolonoisZolo

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 1035 “Camaraderie Cups”

    Silouhette of a left elbow ? Or even just a sleeve ? How can you see an arm in this ?
  3. LolonoisZolo

    Future Events Kid will wash ashore Pirate Island, not Elbaf

    Logic doesn't work in One Piece, I used to think it has to but it doesn't. The story works through hype so whatever is hype at the moment is gonna be used and then disregarded as if it never happened. Kid was used to hype Ratto-san and that's it, there is no follow up to this. Sure there is a...
  4. LolonoisZolo

    Future Events Koby is going to defeat Kuzan

    Hahah for real ? Coby is stronger than Zoro...even more, he shits on Zoro ? This means that, according to you, Galaxy impact is stronger than Hakai (combined power of two freakishly strong Yonko), this also means that Pizarro is the tankiest character in the verse and that Garp by himself could...
  5. LolonoisZolo

    Le Fishe Thread Why haters fear Ryokugyu so much?

    Greenbull >>> Dragon by feats...
  6. LolonoisZolo

    Ohhh I see ! It is also my favourite and probably asked for it when I saw it but I don't...

    Ohhh I see ! It is also my favourite and probably asked for it when I saw it but I don't remember tbh, it's been years hahah
  7. LolonoisZolo

    If it is you who drew it then kuddos and thanks it is beautiful <3

    If it is you who drew it then kuddos and thanks it is beautiful <3
  8. LolonoisZolo

    I didn't request it, I Google image searched ''Zoro and Chopper'', my favourite relationship in...

    I didn't request it, I Google image searched ''Zoro and Chopper'', my favourite relationship in the SHs crew.
  9. LolonoisZolo

    Back when exactly ? I haven't changed name since I joined OroJackson and kept it here.

    Back when exactly ? I haven't changed name since I joined OroJackson and kept it here.
  10. LolonoisZolo

    You did ?

    You did ?
  11. LolonoisZolo

    General & Others Gaban isn’t sanji

    No shit ?!?! :shocked:
  12. LolonoisZolo

    Questions & Mysteries So how do humans and giants procreate?

    It worked in Harry Potter so why not in One Piece.
  13. LolonoisZolo

    Character Discussion Characters interactions you wish happened

    Robin should interact more with the crew but in a meaningful way/the SHs in general need more interactions between them
  14. LolonoisZolo

    Bougya Our Love Letter to this community

    It's about the quality of the story, the quality of the drawings and the ''misdirecting''/''subeverting expectations'' that is done for the sake of it.
  15. LolonoisZolo

    Bougya Our Love Letter to this community

    Nice thread <3 I like One Piece for the huge world and possibilities it offers, it is very original and has great values (sometimes/depending on your values), that's what's good about it though, it offers a little something to a big spectrum of different people and that's a great start for...
  16. LolonoisZolo

    Chapter Discussion The identity of “Mosa”

    The idea of Mosa being Road is cool and would fit somewhat without adding new characters but it is not Oda's style who enjoys adding characters.
  17. LolonoisZolo

    General & Others Best/Badass Natives

    Wyper, Kyros and, I can't believe he hasn't been cited yet... PEDRO 1735502935 @Topi Jerami
  18. LolonoisZolo

    Controversial Could Elbuff be worser then Wano?

    Wano started with a bang though what are you talking about ?