Do you guys think Beelzebub might fight Tesla? Those things on Beelzebub's chair look like some joypads or something lol. And he's got a keyboard as well.
Something I found online. In the original draft of the manga Buddha and Poseidon were not present, at least not as fighters for Gods. Instead, Daikokuten and Aphrodite were the fighters.
Could be a hint towards Aphrodite replacing Buddha in one round.
I already talked about Aphrodite...
At least that's what I read from various spoiler threads online lol. Which means Buddha beat Zerofuku, you can see him on the ground, and this is another fighter lmao.
Actually it's Mara that has inhabited Zerofuku. Mara is basically the Satan of Buddhism. It's "the personification of the forces antagonistic to enlightenment." So basically Buddha's greatest enemy that was said to have tried stopping Buddha from reaching Enlightenment.
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