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  1. K

    Speculations Shiryu will be Sanji's opponent

    Think about it, he has the invisible fruit AND he's a smoker Shiryu is BBP's Sanji, not BBP's Zoro
  2. K

    Future Events One Piece will end with...

    I know this is not a well fundamented theory and honestly it's more wishful thinking, but I want One Piece's ending scene to be a tribute to the final scene of the 人間の証明 movie (which by the way, stars japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda, the one who Aokiji is based on). Luffy will die in the final...
  3. K

    Speculations Seraphim role in the story

    Seraphim are children now, yet strong enough to replace the Shichibukai. When they become adults they will be giant adults and much more powerful In Mariejoa we saw some tensions between Akainu and the Gorosei I think the WG intends for the Seraphim to replace the navy in the future. They will...