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  1. Simonayonka

    Speculations Theory, it takes something more to get to Laught tale

    We know that to get to Raftel you need to find 4 Road Poneglyph, Each poneglyph is a map that indicates a location, that location is not Laugh Tale but a different one, Having the 4 locations will form an X where it will mark the location of the legendary Laugh Tale island. (Chap 818) The...
  2. Simonayonka

    Questions & Mysteries How do you get off the grand line?

    How do you get off the grand line? It is said that going out through the calm belt is impossible due to the lack of wind and the large amount of sea kings The reverse mountain is against the current, there are no tents or something similar to pull the boat -It has been seen that the germ...