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  1. Electricmastro

    General & Others "Too Strong"

    So, what were people saying about how Straw Hats would be too strong against their enemies because of Gear 5th
  2. Electricmastro

    General & Others How much time left before it’s “too late” for another crewmate?

    I’ve been seeing many conversations regarding the idea of Luffy getting a 10th person dismissed with “too late” because we’re in the final saga. The manga hasn’t ended yet though, so I felt to directly lay that question here so that anyone can chime in with how much time they think is left for...
  3. Electricmastro

    General & Others One Piece Women Appreciation Thread

    A thread for appreciating the various female characters in the series.
  4. Electricmastro

    Speculations Will Kizaru get replaced after Egghead?

    In light of the discussion of Kizaru's ass getting kicked by Luffy, I noticed this: Akainu - Red Dog Aokiji - Blue Pheasant Kizaru - Yellow Monkey Post-timeskip: Fujitora - Purple Tiger Ryokugyu - Green Bull So maybe there will be an Orange Admiral coming to replace Kizaru, since the old...
  5. Electricmastro

    General & Others Characters that have and have yet to reappear after Wano.

    So I was looking at the characters that have reappeared after Wano and decided to make a list going over who Oda has and hasn't brought back. Also made a bonus list as to what characters he has yet to bring back, and I'm pretty sure the first three there are the ones he's keen on the most...
  6. Electricmastro

    Speculations Yamato will join Cross Guild after Wano gets proper defense.

    Yamato knows Buggy from Oden’s journal, such as when he missed out on going to Laugh Tale due to sickness. So I’m speculating that if Croc decided to go to Wano after finding out Pluton is there, I imagine Yamato seeing Buggy as Oden’s friend and having her naivety manipulated enough to join...
  7. Electricmastro

    General & Others What will Cross Guild do next?

    Buggy has just rallied up Cross Guild's followers to go for One Piece much to Crocodile and Mihawk's frustration. None of them seem interested in fighting Luffy, Shanks, or Blackbeard, so what will they do next?
  8. Electricmastro

    General & Others Will Crocodile use Buggy to manipulate Wano?

    Recently had the thought of what would happen if Cross Guild went to Wano so that Crocodile could get Pluton after he happened to find that out, possibly from Caribou, and that Buggy was the one to introduce himself to Momo, Yamato, and the others in Wano. Seeing as how Buggy was friends with...
  9. Electricmastro

    General & Others I'm glad Oda re-emphasized what a joke "Monster Trio" really is.

    I'm glad Oda re-emphasized what a joke "Monster Trio" really is with panels like this, as Sanji is called "Number Four" even though certain people claim Sanji's supremacy is superior enough to discriminate Jinbe out of "Monster Trio." Ah, but "Sanji is wing superior to inferior Jinbe!", "Sanji...
  10. Electricmastro

    General & Others Momo the Wano Guardian Deity

    Pretty interesting how Momo was described like this in Chapter 1067. Makes me all the more excited to see if he can use hybrid forms and awakenings like how Kaido can and hold down Wano on his own that way, despite how Momo failed to handle that Admiral in the past.
  11. Electricmastro

    Character Discussion Momo and Yamato's growth

    It took me a little while to realize why the case with Yamato and Momo ended up the way it did, and the conclusion I've come to is that Momo is being built up to eventually challenge Yamato to prove to her that he is capable of defending Wano on his own and further encourage Yamato to sail out...
  12. Electricmastro

    General & Others Will Luffy get a 10th Senior Officer?

    This isn't so much a general nakama recruitment thread, but more so a thread regarding if Luffy will even get a 10th Senior Officer in the first place, seeing as how Luffy has 9 of them at this point. I feel it's valid to ask in light of Oda mentioning in his interview with Gosho Aoyama about...
  13. Electricmastro

    Speculations Will the remaining Whitebeard Pirates be the ones to help protect Wano?

    I suppose recent events in the manga could lead into the possibility that if Blackbeard invades Wano, and the remaining Whitebeard Pirates hear about it, then maybe they would be the ones to choose to protect Wano, since they love the country in addition to Whitebeard and Oden having cared about...
  14. Electricmastro

    Speculations Why the story had Yamato stay in Wano instead of going with the Straw Hats.

    I think that seeing as how Yamato doesn't have her own identity and doesn't have greater purpose to go with Luffy right now, I don't doubt Yamato is being put in Wano as a sort of test to see how content she is in trying to be like Oden in Wano while Luffy and the others are having fun...
  15. Electricmastro

    General & Others So if Aramaki isn't enough to make the end of Wano interesting, then does that mean Kaido and Big Mom will get back up soon?

    Since the Conqueror's Trio of Luffy, Zoro, and Yamato and Monster Trio of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji are there, in addition to Marco and many other characters ready to back Luffy up, then does that mean that Green Bull is at so much of a disadvantage that we really shouldn't expect much of anything...
  16. Electricmastro

    Powers & Abilities Zoan Trio

    With the most recent chapters, in the event Yamato joins, I guess Oda is most keen on setting up a "Zoan Trio" with her. Seems like a promising fun dynamic. Would also be cool to see the three all go into battle Zoan transforming together. Hope that Chopper can keep up though. lol
  17. Electricmastro

    General & Others Do you guys think Luffy won't have any one vs. one fights ever again?

    In light of his Nika power, and how it might take him against two or three admirals at the same time for Luffy not to have the upper hand and keep things interesting for him.
  18. Electricmastro

    Character Discussion Glad that Yamato is bonding with the crew.

    After years of Kaido's abuse and not really having anyone to bond with for a long time, she finally has more people in her life she can be happy around. We had basically been in the waiting zone for that ever since she had told her story to Luffy two years back in Chapter 984 and has now found...
  19. Electricmastro

    Character Discussion Luffy is going to be so cool with his new trio.

    Luffy is going to get even cooler with the new Commander Trio he'll receive after Wano.