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  1. Kawatsuki

    Current Events Mihawk’s status as Butler and server of drinks to Buggy has been Established beyond any Reasonable Doubts

    Ask yourself why Mihawk can’t discipline Buggy in front of his men. Mihawk can’t even touch or harm Buggy, as the illusion among Buggy’s crew is that Buggy > Mihawk - and that illusion is absolutely vital for Mihawk’s survival. Buggy’s crew must believe Buggy is stronger and commands him without...
  2. Kawatsuki

    Powers & Abilities Who are the most decorated marines in the story?

    In terms of awards, and medals of recognition and achievements, who are the most decorated marines? What kind of honourary awards do marines have? I am not talking about titles, so don’t mention Coby
  3. Kawatsuki

    Le Fishe Thread Doesn’t this interview make Zoro and Admiral fans question whether you got it all wrong?

    This interview right here is very revealing as to the motives and intentions Oda has for his One Piece storyline Have a gander folks. Oda says he was originally approaching One Piece with the intended goal to make this story about overcoming the strongest pirates , the “Yonkou”. This is the...
  4. Kawatsuki

    Le Fishe Thread Sanji blocked Seraphims blow using AdvCoC

    I’ve been busy and speed reading lately, but I just saw this and that’s definitely AdvCoC my guys Sanji is defending himself with AdvCoC and he just calls it “power of love” but we get the picture Funny how Zoro in the next panel is needing to have himself a breather and he is partnering up...
  5. Kawatsuki

    Break Week I feel bad for Shanks & Doflamingo fans

    They’re just Carbon copies of Some other manga And you thought they were so unique and original :fuah: Loda
  6. Kawatsuki

    Questions & Mysteries Who gave treatment to Kinnemon & company?

    Do we know this or is it still a mystery? It’s hard to keep track with so many stupid subplots
  7. Kawatsuki

    General & Others Why do people say Goda?

    I don’t understand what earned Oda this nickname? What are his writing “feats”? What makes him a tremendous author? Does he possesses mega intellect and masterful ideas or something? Show to me why people think he is Goda. What does it even mean when people say this?
  8. Kawatsuki

    Questions & Mysteries Dory and Brogy made Buggy yonko

    Buggy Pirates is running a mercenary group composed of giants called Buggy’s Delivery. Mr 3 knows about Dory and Brogy and he also knows of their legendary status among giants. It makes sense they would approach them for joining, and now this is why Buggy Pirates have emerged as yonkos...
  9. Kawatsuki

    Versus Battle Okubo vs Gaolang

    Round 1: Kengan Tournament Round 2: in the purgatory tournament