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  1. rednose

    Theory Wano is not only Zoro’s arc. It's also little brother Choppers arc.

    In the recent one piece episodes, we finally reached Hyogoro explaining Ryuo to luffy. Ryou is what they call Haki in Wano. It got me thinking on why Oda chose the word Ryuo; Flowing Sakura. If anyone remembers Chopper's backstory, Doctor Hiluluk had an unimaginable goal, and that was to...
  2. rednose

    The Science of Pyrobloin

    Stated by pagaya; Pyrobloin is the molecular ingredient for making seastones and clouds in skypiea. [chapter 240] How are seastone/clouds made? Pyrobloin gets ejected into the air by volcanic eruptions. When it comes in contact with water in the air… the concentration of pyrobloin influences...