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  1. K

    Theory One piece mystery solved part 1. Imu cell cell fruit

    Imu ate the cell cell no mi allowing any of its body parts to move how it wants also adding more features to its body. Can turn into any beast or human and can turn others into any living things. Can turn its pupils into any design with its devil fruit. Its similar to luffys fruit as both...
  2. K

    Theory Pell is Imu mythical horus

    I believe pell is imu here is why. I believe pell real devil fruit is horus from Egypt mythology. When pell died his falcon fruit got awakened and he then became horus/imu. Just how luffy awakening made him nika/joyboy. Horus could shapeshift and transform into anything. He was the guardian...
  3. K

    Questions & Mysteries Man marked by flames

    One possibility is that the man marked by flames could be an ancient Sea King that has gained intelligence and power through eating a Devil Fruit. This would explain his ability to create whirlpools and command the sea, as well as his mysterious and powerful nature. Additionally, it could tie...
  4. K

    Powers & Abilities Final haki Sun haki

    There is a form of haki no one in one piece has mastered and only joyboy was able to do it. The haki is advanced imperial haki. The haki will send out yellow/gold lightning that would be so bright it will light up the whole world. When luffy finally uses this haki it will make every single...
  5. K

    Theory One piece and Harry Potter. Aokiji kills Garp

    Garp is dumbledore Aokiji is snape Blackbeard is voldemort Coby is harry potter Dumbledore asked snape a person he trusted the most to kill him in front of voldemort so that snape can gain voldemorts trust. Harry potter saw the incident. Also harry potter was dumbledores favourite student...
  6. K

    Theory Vegapunks death and the next Vegapunk will be Luffy.

    Luffy will become the smartest man in one piece which whill shock the who one piece community. From being the dumbest mc to smartest mc will give luffy the greatest power up. Luffy after realising vegapunk brain size increased which made vegapunk smarter, luffy will expand his brain so much with...
  7. K

    Theory One piece is a book of wishes

    What if the one piece is a book. And whatever luffy writes on the book happens. Luffy would wish to end slavery, end cruelty, bring freedom and end hunger. 800 years ago the book was popular and people used to write their wishes and those wishes became into devil fruit powers. The world...
  8. K

    Theory Zou and sea kings are technology devices

    sea kings are actually technology devices that activate on shirahoshis voice. Same for zou it is a technology that activates on momonosukes voice. One piece is slowly turning logical with this new technology concept being added and how 800 years ago the world was very advanced compared to now.
  9. K

    Theory Someone lives inside Zou

    What if inside zou is a city of technology. Zou is carrying 100 years of history. It has a device in which it activates when a member of kozuki speaks. So a kozuki member can control the device by speaking. I also believe there is someone inside Zou that can telepathically speak with a kozuki...
  10. K

    Theory Laughtale is a gateway to the real world we live in.

    The Laughtale is the gateway to the real world we live in. One piece verse is a small bubble in our earth that was made by world governments so they can rule a small world of theirs however pirates ruined their dream. One piece is a gate to this world. Joyboy isnt just one person but joyboy...
  11. K

    Theory Blackbeard and moon fruit

    Blackbeard will get the fruit that the gorosei mentioned about awakening. Kozuki Joyboy who lived in wano who was zuneshas owner centuries ago and it asked zunesha to walk for eternity. Joyboy knew that walking for eternity would eventually make zunesha take a whole circle around the world and...
  12. K

    Theory Shanks is son of Blackbeard

    Blackbeard is shanks father. What if the previous user of OP OP no mi did surgery on blackbeard and transferred Rocks personality inside blackbeard. We know that the user of Op Op no mi can switch personalities but what if the awakening can fully switch bodies. Blackbeard(Rox) is now immortal...
  13. K

    Theory Rox is Dragon (Best theory ever)

    Dragon is Rox (Best theory ever) We seen Momonosuke age into an adult from a child. So what if Dragon was also aged. I think the person who aged Dragon more than 40 years ago was Bonney. We know that Bonney and Kuma have some sort of relation. I believe that Bonney was involved with the age of...
  14. K

    Theory 100% King was Impel Down warden

    After reading the vivre card it became clear to me that King was the former impel down warden. King is known for torturing people. He once tried torture kaido but it didn’t work so he was impressed and freed kaido. The suit King wears is similar to shiryu and magellan and i dont think this...
  15. K

    Theory Zoro dies in Wano

    Now that we know king can able to take others sword with ease. King will take the sandai kitetsu and kill zoro with it. The sandai kitetsu has curse that will kill its owner with tragic death. This is the tragedy of Wano. The 1% hawkins said was Zoro. Zoro grave will be with Ryuma, ushimaru...
  16. K

    Theory King is Sun God

    Mosh piece theory. The shandias are in a war in Skypiea but pray to Sun God for help. For centuries they have no hope so they fly down to Sun God itself who resides on top of red wall. The shandian falls in love with Lunaria on top of red wall. The shandian who had wings and Lunaria who could...
  17. K

    Theory The one piece location.

    One piece is in the core of the earth where all the magma is. Thats why oda said that Akainu would find one piece in a year That waterfall in ennis lobby leads directly to the core. Get the one piece and you are worthy of becoming the pirate king. When luffy tanked kaidos fire blast he said it...
  18. K

    Theory Momo heard Shirahoshi and sea kings coming Wano

    Shirahoshi will save luffy and will come with all the sea kings to destroy the border of wano. Momonosuke was hearing voices. Very loud noises. It might be sea kings and shirahoshi coming to wano. Shirahoshi came Wano after hearing what happened to Vivi and her kingdom. She realised that...
  19. K

    Questions & Mysteries Shirahoshi saves Luffy

    I know this isn’t spoiler but i wanted to post it after reading this weeks spoilers. Shirahoshi will save luffy and will come with all the sea kings to destroy the border of wano. Momonosuke was hearing voices. Very loud noises. Shirahoshi came Wano after hearing what happened to Vivi and...
  20. K

    Theory Zoro will die in Wano. Reason 1/4

    In One piece a curse can not be broken no matter what or can not be controlled. You would never see anyone be able to swim in water with a devil fruit because the fruit is cursed. So what makes you think Zoro can control the curse or break it when no one like Whitebeard or luffy could break...