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  1. Bounty

    Questions & Mysteries The identity of the man marked by flames - Davy Jones?

    The mysterious figure in question and their ship have the legend of Davy Jones written all over it. The whirlpool sinking is reminiscent of the the concept of Davy Jones locker which refers to the bottom of the sea, where drowned sailors and sunken ships are said to be found. In some stories...
  2. Bounty

    Current Events Will Kaido be defeated from Luffy's island sized punch?

    With Luffy putting Momo on the line for this task and the flying lanterns seemingly coinciding with the launch of this attack, does it make the most sense narratively and thematically for this to be the end for Kaido? If not, what would be the deterrent for Momo or those flying lanterns to NOT...
  3. Bounty

    Speculations Kaido's fate by the end of this arc

    I'm pretty sure this topic has been discussed ad nauseum on this forum, but a lot of it has just been proposing why some X,Y or Z will be defeating/killing him. So I use this post as a means to get a consensus of this forum based on all the possible fates that Kaido could undergo by the end of...
  4. Bounty

    Speculations Is Yamato a DF user or shapeshifting dragon/oni?

    While I could see her having a DF, I would vouch for a pure dragon/oni shapeshifting breed and naturally Kaido would follow with that assumption. Three reasons why I think this to be the case- This would open up possibilities of us getting whatever was going on with Vegapunk's experimentation...
  5. Bounty

    Questions & Mysteries Sulong and the moon

    This panel of Jinbe explaining has really got me thinking on a few things pertaining to the minks and the moon, especially considering where the last chapter ended off - Now this could mean 2 things- This could be a simple homage...