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  1. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Does Shiryu of the Rain have Red lightning Ad.CoC?

    Red lightning would look well with his sword techniques.
  2. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries How anyone can beat ''immortal'' 5 Elders?

    If nothing works on them, and there is only one option left: But Saturn somehow managed to maneuver himself mid-air and turned back, so this might not be an easy thing to do. On the other hand, this showed us one thing: Saturn wasn't really careful with blocking other attacks since...
  3. Erkan12

    Chapter Discussion Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 102: Son Goku vs Son Gohan

    Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 102 Title: Son Goku vs Son Gohan Support Dragon Ball Super by subscribing to the new all access Shonen Jump released by VIZ. Read Chapter Online:
  4. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Did Teach know about Elders Regeneration Hax?

    If Haki isn't working vs 5 Elders such as Saturn... Perhaps thats why Teach knew he needed Darkness DF to handle them by canceling their power, thats why his only chance to become King of the World is Darkness so he could cancel their Hax, even though Teach has Ad.CoC still its not enough...
  5. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Imu Cutting Posters isn't that simple

    As people thought Imu was just having a tauntrum and randomly cutting posters of Luffy and Teach. The truth is, its not that simple. Now look at it again: ''How'' did Imu cut the posters? -Luffy's left eye. -Teach's right eye. As I previously mentioned, Shanks created a left eye scarred...
  6. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Nerona Imu's No.2 ?

    Who would be the no.2 of Imu if someone needed to add to the cover?
  7. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries What attacks Akainu can use on the sea?

    Right now, if there is a Sea battle, Red dog didn't show much to suggest he can compete with others on the sea: -Law can teleport ships, and redirect attacks: -Kid can use magnetism on ships: -Shanks can jump long distance, can swim, and also has wifi Haki. -Luffy can fly with G4 and...
  8. Erkan12

    Current Events Government's chance not looking good against 1 Emperor

    Right now the things doesn't look good for Larines on Egghead. They lost almost every advantage they had, first Seraphims then Pacifistas turned against them, Buster Call is almost useless right now. Kizaru took another blow, and won't be able to pass Luffy. Saturn lost the command of...
  9. Erkan12

    Current Events ''Straw-Hat or should we call him Sun God?''

    Straw Hat or Taiyō no Kami With this line, is Oda foreshadowing Luffy giving the Straw-Hat back to Shanks by making Shanks's ally Giants ask this? New wanted poster has no Straw Hat: -Shanks one-shots 3 billion Kid, similar to Kaido one-shotting 1.5 billion G4 Luffy. -Kaido's was for hyping...
  10. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Best explanation for Kaido's top 5 list

    ''Shanks beat Kaido thats why he is on the list'' It doesn't make sense for people to call Kaido WSC when Shanks beat him. 2 Emperors fighting is an event that many is seeing. It can't be a secret fight between DFless Teach vs Shanks. So Shanks definitely didn't beat Kaido, but proved he was...
  11. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Where is Luffy in Ch.1104?

    Luffy was able to move his hands and eat before Kizaru could move so obviously the claims that Kizaru could move before Luffy was a nonsense claim even though Luffy is obviously the weakest Emperor as 3 billion bounty still beat an Admiral. Luffy is eating like food challenge while Kizaru is...
  12. Erkan12

    Current Events Which one of these fights you wanted to see more?

    Shanks vs Kid: Kid losing his arm vs the officers of Red hair pirates, and later his failure to be allies with Hawkins, Apoo against Shanks led him to Wano where he earned 3 billion bounty, then once again he find himself failing against Shanks. -Due to Shanks catching Kid off-guard while Kid...
  13. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Did Oda always plan that Buggy and Teach replacing Big Mom and Kaido?

    Oda was always planning on making Teach and Buggy Emperors before the time skip: But Kaido and Big mom were not yet to be decided on how they are going to look before the time skip: Pirate Hunter Zolo was Buggy's crew member in the early designs: Then Oda removes Pirate Hunter swordsman...
  14. Erkan12

    Current Events Bonney couldn't change Teach's age as well

    Another similarity with Saturn after CoC Sound Effects (which they showed before Admirals did): So why Bonney didn't change Teach's age? - Superior advance Haki of Teach? -...
  15. Erkan12

    Is it hypocritical that Admiral fans uses BB retreating then ignores Shanks stopping Akainu?

    You can read this thread to see many reasons why Teach had to retreat in that situation vs. Akainu: Of course some clowns posted in that thread immediately without reading...
  16. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Emperors tournament is needed, Government battles are low level

    We know Admirals and Elders are just for side missions, we see they can be handled by even Revolutionary. How will be the future Emperor match-ups? Cross Guild: Buggy already forced his crew to join the race to find OP. Where they can start? The Red hair connection and also his giant...
  17. Erkan12

    Multiverse General Can Atomic Samurai cut Haki users?

    Can he hurt lower level Haki users like Fishman Island Luffy or Zolo? Or do you need top tier Haki users like Teach?
  18. Erkan12

    Difference between Z.olo and L.anji

    Z.OLO is an official name by VIZ translation, L.anji is not. ZKKfans took another L for being cringe. @TheAncientCenturion stop crying by playing with the official names :milaugh:
  19. Erkan12

    Powers & Abilities Z0lo was not a Haki user after cutting steel in Alabasta

    This basically proves the difference between swordsman ''sword skill'' and Haki users difference. Post Alabasta Z0lo could cut steel, but was helpless vs Logia Enel, Due to not being able to use regular Haki like some randoms in new world, Marigold and Sandersonia etc Another proof, Mihawk...
  20. Erkan12

    Questions & Mysteries Would Hancock betray Luffy if Luffy marry with someone else?

    What would be Hancock's reaction if Luffy married with someone else? Would she die from broken heart or would she turn evil and hook up with Luffy's enemies for getting revenge from Luffy? Or would she develop a second persona like Pudding? 1 minute wants to kill and another minute still in...