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  1. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Speculations Franky will fight Pluton.

    Franky has the blueprints to create and/or destroy pluton Franky's final battle wil be a 1v1 vs Pluton. In the final War. SUPERRRR
  2. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Powers & Abilities A One Piece Theory: THE SUN LOGIA IS REAL and it's not the Nika Nika fruit.

    The Sun is a separate entity from from fire entirely. The way the sun and fire is formed is completely different. You can form fire with friction and oxygen, The sun is formed by nuclear fission and Oxygen isn't needed at all. The Sun's core is the hottest thing there is in our solar system...
  3. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Anime & Manga What will Franky's devil fruit awakening be when he gets the cola cola no mi special paramecia.

  4. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Character Discussion Chopper is the best CHARE- CHARACTER OF THE ONE PIECE

    Chopper's awakening has most potential. He had the most character development from Monster point to chimera point, honestly his monster point is more terrifying now than before.
  5. MagnetoEustassKidd


    The One thing is Cola. When you go to laugh there's a tale Gold Roger a roger is a rabbit The rabbit will unlock a piece rabbits love to go fast COLA COUPE DE BURST so fast it's incredible. Cola is the key to laughing.
  6. MagnetoEustassKidd

    General & Others Top 10 best and Top 10 worst character in One Piece

    Top 10 Worst: 1. Ivankov 2. Bon Clay 3. Gol D Roger 4. Dellinger 5. Buggy 6. Caribou 7. Wapol 8. Hody Jones and his crew 9. Smoothie 10. Big Mom Top 10 Best: 1. Gaimon 2. Luffy 3. Whitebeard 4. St Figarland D Eustass Kidd 5. Law 6. Zoro 7. Ace 8. Usopp 9. Robin 10. Kuzan
  7. MagnetoEustassKidd

    General & Others The Next Strawhat is Transpon D. Ersnail (DEN DEN MUGIWARA)

    You may think this makes no sense at all but you'd be wrong. This theory has a 100% chance of happening The Den Den Mushi are the original members of the Monkey D Clan DEN DEN MUSHI DEN DEN MUSHI DEN DEN MUSHI DEN DEN MUSHI DEN DEN MUSHI DEN DEN MUSHI DEN DEN MUSHI DEN DEN MUSHI...
  8. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Break Week Strawhats need a logia aside from Luffy. (Luffy could in theory become a logia with the power of Gear 5)

    I've always wanted Kuzan to join the strawhats though I don't think it's very likely It's just really annoying the strawhats don't have a logia. Nami or Usopp would be perfect with a wind logia. A wind logia would make Usopp appear as a real god. Nami knows all about the weather so it would be...
  9. MagnetoEustassKidd

    General & Others Bonney's devil fruit name.

    If Kuma has the Nikyu-Nikyu no Mi does that mean Bonney has the Jikan Jikan no mi (Jikan is another word for time in japanese) with a different use than saying Toki. The 1st 3 letters are similar to her father's fruit The 1st 4 letters are similar to Luffy's fruit, Nika nika and it starts...
  10. MagnetoEustassKidd

    General & Others Do you think there could have been foreshadowing in the marineford scene where Luffy is holding a log in front of the 3 admirals?

    It was just a unique and memorable scene so I always wondered if there was more to it than just Luffy trying to save his brother at all cost. Maybe it foreshadows Luffy fighting the admirals 1v3. Maybe it foreshadows a future weapon Luffy will have, say Wukong's staff. Maybe it symbolizes the...
  11. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Speculations There's a theory I really like about the Gorosei having weapons that ate devil fruits like Spandam.

    I forgot where I heard this from maybe Joygirl, noting that they all had their weapons out and they didn't use them they just turned into or summoned some weird beast. So what if those weapons are what triggers that power, their weapons ate a devil fruit, it would fit the theme with spandam...
  12. MagnetoEustassKidd

    General & Others Kaguya Piece

    Saint Garling and the Tarot Card the high priestess confirmed this for me. Saint Garling worships the moon, Imu. The high priestess tarot card is a woman sitting in a throne, the Egyptian moon and darkness goddess Isis. In the best anime/manga InuYasha (better than One Piece) there is a...
  13. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Powers & Abilities The secret ability of the hana hana no mi.

    It reflects the nature of the user's power The spirit, soul, energy, emotion/mind state Robin has a dark side of her due to everything she's gone through. She is very mentally traumatized which gave her an inner demon. When someone hurts her friends this inner demon is unleashed and it...
  14. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Questions & Mysteries Will Robin ever get revenge on Akainu or will she just let Luffy beat him?

    Robin can't touch Akainu but what if she learns armament haki and uses a giant weapon to get a good hit on him instead. She probably gains a form of arament haki in her demon form, if not she could develop it from her deep emotions of her past and what Akainu did to her family and Ohara. She...
  15. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Speculations Law, Bonney, Dragon, Usopp, Vivi. The 5 keys to help Luffy defeat IM

    Law: Could reverse Imu's immortality (the reverse immortality part is the only thing here that isn't my idea) or grant Luffy immortality Bonney: Can age Luffy to his full adult prime Dragon: A father protecting his son Usopp: A false god will cause a great distraction to Imu and help Luffy...
  16. MagnetoEustassKidd

    General & Others Imu is Kaguya. Imu is from the Moon.

    Some or most people have already thought this but I'm confirming it. Saint Garling and the Tarot Card the high priestess confirmed this for me. Saint Garling worships the moon, Imu. The high priestess tarot card is a woman sitting in a throne, the Egyptian moon and darkness goddess Isis...
  17. MagnetoEustassKidd

    Character Discussion Mihawk has literally done nothing (not hating)

    - Has no backstory - Is the rival of shanks but happens off screen - Beat Haki-less Zoro - Pretended to fight in a war - Trained Zoro - Became a yonko commander under Buggy - Survived an attack from World government fodder He's just here for Zoro and Buggy's character arcs. He did bang...