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  1. mmd

    Current Events Will Coby finally get a W?....Who saves Garp?

    It was a good story line, we got to meet the Seraphim and bb's Bounty...And then we got to know the members of bb's crew and their abilities and the powers of an old legend My problem starts here, why Oda and Garp always support coby and call him the future of Marine...I hate coby, but at least...
  2. mmd

    Future Events Foreshadowing Egghead

    First, if no one has mentioned these points, I want to state them Second, I don't know if Oda predicted everything from the past. I only use these images to express my opinion..And I think 90% of the events of One Piece are random blue=The right hand of two old legends who are both dead...
  3. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Did Figarland join cd 800 years ago?

    There are two possibilities 1_They got this position 40 years ago because of the help and actions they did to the Five Elders...This opinion could be true if they don't kill a CD 2_Knights have their own palaces in the world and supervise other countries...It may also mean that the Figarland...
  4. mmd

    Powers & Abilities Shanks' fighting style

    First, let me say that I have always been in favor of Shanks being a swordsman for the past 7 or 8 years...So don't use me to get stupid likes 1_Throwing haki I believe Shanks has the ability to do this fighting style as well as Roger and a few others who did..Also, I believed that Shanks will...
  5. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Were Roger and Shiki talking about Uranus?..And what is the nature of Uranus?..(A possible connection between imu and enel and Uranus)

    I wanted to discuss this a few weeks ago, maybe some of the comments will be proven wrong by Chapter 1060...But I did not change those opinions As far as I remember, Roger could not read these Poneglyphs...So he had no information about Pluton and Shirahoshi at this time either...But the...
  6. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Will Sabo help Vivi find Luffy?

    Probably something happened when Sabo was running away...And it seems that Kuma is a witness to this story It seems that Sabu managed to save Vivi and escape...Sabo is probably a secret witness and needs Vivi's testimony to prove his innocence I also think Jewelry Bonney helped Sabo...Now is a...
  7. mmd

    Speculations BB or admiral & Vegapunk...Who will be Luffy's next opponent?

    Well, I think bb is the last enemy...So I will start with the admirals 1_kizaru All arguments aside, Kizaru was the most active admiral...He is always ready to fulfill his duties...There is also an old grudge between him and Luffy's crew Also, Kizaru has previously collaborated with...
  8. mmd

    Powers & Abilities Shanks' coc masterpiece is even better than Joyboy's

    joy boy shanks As far as I can remember, Shanks is the only person known for his amazing haki..According to Kaido, Roger can also be considered
  9. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Shanks vs Bb?

    Since there are 3 years left until the end of One Piece..And in the best conditions, Oda can draw 150 chapters...Of course, on the condition that Oda fulfills his promise It seems a little unlikely that Luffy will want to fight Shanks, bb, and Imu in these remaining chapters...There are many...
  10. mmd

    General & Others Who are your 10 favorite characters?

    1_shanks 2_roger 3_luffy 4_bb 5_garp 6_wb 7_ryuma (wanted) 8_aokiji 9_akainu 10_kaido
  11. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Has the Dragon eaten df?

    This is a repetitive and old topic, I just wanted to express my opinion Oda doesn't want to show the dragon putting his hand in the water..So most likely he is a user of a df According to this image that many people mentioned..Probably the dragon has the power of wind..But I think he is a zoan...
  12. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Why do you think Dragon Bounty is 6 billion?

    We know that the captain's bounty is commensurate with his commanders..And dragon commanders don't have high bounties...He was like a horrible monster at the beginning of the story..But now I have no feelings for him I think his bounty is between 1.5 billion and 4 billion what is your opinion?
  13. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Are BB and Akainu suitable opponents for Luffy?

    This is my personal opinion and may be wrong There are arguments for both of them. 1_I think Akainu and Bb are the only people who can block this blow completely They can repel this attack with their abilities 2_Akainu and Luffy are the only people who have defeated a high level person...
  14. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Will Rocks return?

    This was one of my old theories....that has hidden himself in the fruit of darkness..But now I can give a better argument for it When Zunesha heard the voice of Joy Boy..But it was only when he heard joy boy's voice that Luffy used his awakening..So I feel there is a strong connection between...
  15. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Shanks is One Piece's most complex character Season Final (Why is Shanks a villain?)

    Welcome to the final season!!!! Season 1 You may have heard some of these reasons many times I hope you don't hate me for this theory...I'm just trying to predict Shanks...I apologize if it upsets you 1_shanks initial design Other friends say Shanks is like the Mafia.....I agree with them strong...
  16. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Shanks is One Piece's most complex character Season 1 (Why is Shanks a devoted character?)

    Welcome to my latest Thread..Of course, it consists of two seasons!! I myself believe that Shanks is an evil character. You may have heard these reasons many times 1_Similarities between Shanks and Luffy Luffy wants to be a free man like Shanks 2_The concept of friendship Shanks considers...
  17. mmd

    Questions & Mysteries Someone with an Eye-Patch will appear in final chapters of One Piece

    I thought, if there's an image in everyone's head about what a pirate is, then I thought I would write/draw about the process of the boy getting there. But its not like I dislike eye patches, so in the final scenes of One Piece, there is one pirate who appears with an eye patch The translation I...
  18. mmd

    Speculations The next opponent of Strawhats

    I say all possibilities! If kid and law go with Luffy....If Luffy fights Blackbeard: luffy VS bb Law & kid VS aokiji Zoro vs Shiryu Avalo Pizzaro VS yamato Sanji vs laffitte Jinbe VS Burgess Nami VS Vasco Shot Robin & brook VS Catarina Devon franky vs San Juan Wolf usopp vs Van Augur Chopper...
  19. mmd

    Speculations Bb attacks Totto Land

    Which direction do you think bb is moving in? Attacks Totto Land to get a poneglyph? Or attacks Luffy for three poneglyphs? Totto Land is not in a good position right now....So there is a good opportunity for bb....And the Sanji brothers may escape during the fight I still think big things...