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  1. Lhulu

    Anime Discussion Cyberpunk Edgerunners

    New Trigger's project, the director will be Hiroyuki Imaishi(same of Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann). The style looks amazing, hopefully we'll get a decent story. Coming in September 13 on Netflix. Tagging some people who might be interested:
  2. Lhulu

    General & Others One Piece, Max Weber and The Domination Concept

    Well, in Wano/Onigashima, Oda has been focusing on "Color of Conqueror" and the influence this power exerts on the world. Except the kingly qualities(something that still subjective for many readers), I would like to analyze and compare the characteristics of characters with this ability within...
  3. Lhulu

    Speculations Sanji's Next PU(bet thread)

    Queen looks fine after Hell Memories so it's almost confirmed that Sanji will need something more to surpass his deffense, what do you think?
  4. Lhulu

    Anime Discussion Ousama Ranking

    My opinion: This show is a gem, don't judge it by the look. Although having a clean aesthetic and simple story, the emotional charge is great and the characters are pretty charismatics. The series is being produced by Wit Studio with a lot of affection, the animation is consistent and we have...
  5. Lhulu

    Hello everybody

    I started following the current one piece chapters about two weeks ago and have been using the forum to see the leaks and spoilers ever since. I really liked the atmosphere in the threads and found the users really fun, so I decided to create this account so I could interact with u. PS: I'm...