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  1. Chrono

    General & Others One Piece General Discussion

    Oda really normalising peeping on women.
  2. Chrono

    General & Others One Piece General Discussion

    It probably is because I dont see how they can wrap everything in 3 acts. Act 3: Fire Festival: SHs get mauled Act 4: They all get captured. They escape at the end Act 5: Short training montage and then finally SH allaince comes finally along with WBPs and Jinbe and Vinsmokes. Onigashma arc...
  3. Chrono

    General & Others One Piece General Discussion

    I also agree. I feel like Act 3 starts with the Fire Festival.
  4. Chrono

    General & Others One Piece General Discussion

    You mean EatenBoobies
  5. Chrono

    General & Others One Piece General Discussion

    Again I'm sorry lmao. Can't control myself at times lol.
  6. Chrono

    General & Others One Piece General Discussion

    Lmao it'a a joke. But Buu normwlly makes threads that we literally have no clue what the answer could be to. Or other times just makes thread on such weird things. Sorry Buutusan. If you ever see this forgive me:catcry::feelscryingman:
  7. Chrono

    General & Others One Piece General Discussion

    @ all of Buutusan's threads.