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  1. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    Tree isnt even a durable element in this world lol. Its no where close to the Dragon scale buff Kaido gets. GB's practically in base. At best hes 2% more durable if anything. Logias dont enhance durability.
  2. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    You think hes tree form is more durable than his Base. Since when does Logia element make you more durable.
  3. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    But Kaido was also in Hybrid. If Yamato was in base and Kaido was in base.....Yamato would also make him bleed. But she cant make GB bleed with a sneak attack. GB 》Base Kaido in durability.
  4. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    The goat:finally:
  5. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    Lmao Killua says Hanzo is lvls upon lvlvs above Gon. And Gon actually made Hanzo bleed with that kick. I know its not the same manga....but I wonder how far GB must be from Yamato to not even bleed from her attack.
  6. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    He has Oden's body but not fighting skill or haki. 1658410224 Narrator doesnt agree with you.
  7. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    So Aramaki basically tanks an AdvCoC hit from an Inbetweener and subdues Dragon Kaido in one panel. Unconcerned about a hit that made Kaido scream. We have confirmation that the Admirals were nerfed in Mariejoa. If this is supposed to be a bad chap for Admirals. I wonder what a good chap for...
  8. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    This is Viz Nothing about physical strength...just PL.
  9. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    Post it. Momo has Oden's body. Its confirmed.
  10. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    How is that emasculating. Weve seen worse for less.
  11. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    Reminder Momo has the physical strength of Oden combined with Kaido's DF. In terms of physical strength, hes not much weaker or is the same as Zoan Kaido... And this is the end result.
  12. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    Hes actually more lethal or as lethal. Nutrient sucking ability took care of 2 commmanders instantly. Even though hes more lethal, Fuji is more powerful and destructive. 1658409211 Hax can be lethal.
  13. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    Interesting to note:- Fujitora has never been sneak attacked in the series. Whilst of course other Admirals and GB have. This is to show how good Fuji's CoO is. However GB noting how well Yamato's haki is...shows he knows what hes talking about and that hes a CoA specialist....possibly even...
  14. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    Wanna make it look like hes going all out lol.
  15. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    What does it say
  16. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    I wanna know GB's reaction to Fujitora bowing his head to Riku. Though since DR is allied with the WG. Maybe he didnt care as much. --‐---- Btw this chap confirms GB is not from Wano. And is not related to Ushimaru and Zoro.
  17. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    But he did withstand it. It had AdvCoC....and he didnt even bleed..what
  18. Chrono

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers Discussion

    The term Low Top Tier needs to be get rid of or atleast mean plebs like Shanks and Big Mom. Mid Top Tiers would be like the Admirals and Kaido. And High Top Tiers would be like Akainu, BB, Garp, Roger and Primebeard. Yamato is an Inbetweener along with Old Ray, Old Garp and Old Sengoku.