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  1. Cozy Sofa

    Speculations Who would be the new captain if Luffy is dead?

    Yeah, I could see this being Zoros path as well. A bounty hunter, a shichibukai, a lone wolf whatever his title might be like Mihawk. But I believe Zoro might first take the reins for a short while making sure the Usopps, Namis and Choppers of the crew are safe, in other words travelling back to...
  2. Cozy Sofa

    Speculations Who would be the new captain if Luffy is dead?

    Zoro would have taken over as an interim captain, just like Marco took over Whitebeard Pirates. But Zoro like Marco would not be able to either conquer the seas nor be able to rally the troops under him like Luffy or Whitebeard could so after say 6 months-1 year the Strawhats would have split up.