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  1. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    If you agree to put Luffy next to Shanks you better believe you can put Zoro next to Beckmann. Sure, both Luffy and Zoro still need experience before reaching their older rivals but their trajectories are clear. And it would be fitting if not only Shanks and Luffy are neck and neck at 4B, it...
  2. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    New Prediction based on recent proceedings Luffy - 4B or 5B Zoro - 2.4B Jinbei - 1.75 Dorry - 1.5B Brogy - 1.5B Bonney - 800M Gorosei have now confirmed the existence and power of Nika. They either raise the bounty level and put it him next to Shanks 4.04B and BB 3.96 or put him out on his own...
  3. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    He probably was, you know. Evidently he was NOT strong enough to become an Admiral, same scenario as Momousagi or Chaton. But if you had to short list 10-15 candidates he is probably right up there. In the end two of the strongest, Fujitora and Ryukogyu, ended up as admirals (although I'd say...
  4. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Morgans has already made it known Yonko Luffy is there to kidnap Vegapunk. They could still hide the details but they can't hide Luffy sailing free.
  5. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    It would need to be conclusive, agree. But I do think people are selling Lucci way short. For all we know the man could even have been an Admiral candidate. Issho (Fujitora) Aramaki (Ryukogyu) -- Kurouma (White Horse) Gion (Pink Rabbit) Chaton (Brown Pig) Onigumo Magellan Lucci Mr Go Coby...
  6. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Actually very good estimates. As soon as Katakuri steps out of his mothers shadow his potential is huge. Same as Blackbeard, Big Mom or Whitebeard that all had 0-?? in bounty but none were yonko. Sabo because of his strength, potential, connections, world fame and knowledge of Mariejois secrets...
  7. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    They all got the same amount right? Now that I can buy. But this down here makes no sense at all Zoro 1.5 (+289M for taking down Lucci) Sanji 1.3 (+268M for getting fodderized) Jinbei 1.280 (+180M for carrying ship) Robin 1B (+100M for knowledge) If anything Luffy and Zoro gets buffed up for...
  8. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Based on what? Luffy - taking down Kizaru Zoro - taking down Lucci Sanji - fodderized by Saturn Jinbei - carrying a ship to escape Robin - Poneglyph threat
  9. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Wouldn't Sanjis be 1.177 then rather than 1.32 if we are going by nostalgic bounties? He never even had 32 (closest being 330)
  10. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Could we see rectified bounties? Downgraded bounties? For example, could the WG get new reports as to what really happened on Wano, change course regarding toning down Luffy and in light of Egg Head/Elbaf/"Certain Island" issue these new bounties: Law - 2.1945 (half of Big Mom + 0.5M) Kidd -...
  11. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Zoros bounty, as well as Luffys, are too low at the moment. So them beating/showing dominance against Kizaru and Lucci could give them 1.5 x their bounties. 3B x 1.5 = 4.5B (right between Big Mom and Kaido) 1.111 x 1.5 = 1.666B (666 is the symbol of the Devil, King of Hell) Thus confirming...
  12. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Good prediction overall. Mostly the same as my own but I see Zoro separating himself from most YC. I wrote the post below a while back before we knew of Saturn and so on. Holds up very well although it can be tweaked a bit after the new information that we have now. If I would change something...
  13. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Could reach 1B or even 2B each. Remember back then Luffy had 30M and Mr3 was infamous for having defeated a 42M pirate. The Royal Shichibukai Crocodile on the same rank as WSS Mihawk had 81M. Yet these giants had 100M frozen from 100 years back. I bet they wanted new weapons and got attacked...
  14. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    We might very well get new bounties. At least for Luffy and Zoro that more accurately reflect their worth. 1B flat for both would be deserved. 4B Luffy - "kidnaps" Vegapunk, beats Lucci, skirmish with Kizaru 2.111B Zoro - Displays AdCoC, beats Kaku, destroys marine fleet 4B Puts Luffy right...
  15. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Shouldn't Blackbeard be 5.803 then going by your other dates and amounts?
  16. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    This might actually happen. Crocodile could be a great counter to GB. Sucking out nutrients Desert > Forest DF Mastery Crocodile (probably awakened) > GB (probably got his fruit shortly before becoming Admiral) Intelligence Crocodile > GB Haki GB > Crocodile
  17. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    True. Going into WCI Luffy and Law were 500, Kidd 470, Apoo and Bege 350, Zoro and Hawkins 320, Killer 200. Now Bonney is 320 and Drake is still at 222 until updated. Urouge should'nt be above the top 3. Of course we know Urouge took down Snack and got chased off by Cracker so his power...
  18. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    His bounty will surely rise steeply now that the revos are out in the open attacking the WG directly and not covertly. Sabo will be between 2.5-3.5 after what he pulled. Karasu and the rest will have a decent raise as well. Probably 300 flat just for the attack and perhaps a little more for...
  19. Cozy Sofa

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Dragon 5.25 (Between WB and Roger) Weevil 3.71 (Above Mihawks bounty, Will crush Marco in Sphinx and thereby singlehandedly obliterate WB pirates by himself, Peak WB strength without crew, DF or territories. Perhaps will crush some top marines as well and beat a buster call by himself)...