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  1. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Just to at least place some relevance here: Roger is a tontatta. There we go! Finally! So it seems that even a mere hint of excess mimicry on my part was enough to indeed, open Aeolus' flask, and call forth the Valkyries to instill within that undeveloped, amoeba-like excess that you call your...
  2. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Sure thing, all's fine. The dude pissed me off enough, so I had no choice but to shit on him in his own game. Now that's done, I'm opting out. EDIT: Sorry guys. Lol, to be fair, BS psychology is a pretty crap course, ngl. That's why I went to Medicine after that. Psych and Bio were like...
  3. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    No, actually looking up the above posts, and reflecting on his online manner, he IS a narcissist. I took BS Psychology (and Biology) in my undergraduate courses, and students are taught to highlight and understand personality disorders like this. Judging from his behavior, it seems that this...
  4. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Yeah, I mean idk.. it just kinda puts me off. I also work in the science profession (I'm pretty much in the medical field, but only residency atm), but if I talk like that in front of regular people, I'd get shouted at by the doctors over here and get terminated, lol. Like, there's a time and a...
  5. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Unpopular opinion: you need to start talking like a human being, not like some bloody robot. I mean, what kind of weirdo speaks like google translate? -_-" "as a factual matter" "translated" "(presumable) expert user" I swear to God, fucking.. Siri talks more like a human being than you do...
  6. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    IM is actually Jeffrey Epstein. And his DF power is Lolita Lolita no mi.
  7. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Got a small theory that Kanjuro would actually succeed in finding Momonosuke and "kill" him. But Momo's artificial DF would actually prevent Momo from being killed, as he actually ends up obtaining the same scales as Kaido's, simply because Vegapunk used Kaido's lineage factor to recreate that...
  8. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    I hate Fukurukuju's design.. I can't fucking stand it.. Every time he's in the chapter, it ruins it for me, and it just fucking annoys me like shit. I mean, for fuck sake, look at him...
  9. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Just saying, I'm starting to think Oda is getting WAY too into this whole Beast Pirates card game theme..
  10. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    I am now convinced that Oden is the Schrodinger's cat of One Piece.
  11. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    I saw this post like, a while ago on r/unpopularopinion. Guy is pulling punches, lol.
  12. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Rayleigh made Luffy pregnant during the timeskip.
  13. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Yeti Cool Brothers are actually the most progressive characters in one piece.
  14. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Yeah, it would've been better like that, imo. I hated the fact that Shiki just ended up in a non-canon movie.. still salty about it after all these years.
  15. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    I can't stand Carrot... ain't even joking.. And seeing Oda tryna jailbait her ass for like, 2 arcs, I mean... come on.. Oda you spastic, she's 15. :seriously:
  16. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Gee, no wonder I ignored your ass Lighten up. It's a fucking joke. :tchpepe: I'm calling it now. Her DF is gonna be something that goes "nee naw nee naw nee naw". :catrude: :catrude: :catrude:
  17. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Black Maria is CP0. I'm calling it now.
  18. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Honestly... that dude's like.. the only guy who comes up with this shit.. Never have I seen anyone who has similar opinions to this... And I think I even saw him post this shit once in reddit, and he got mocked and laughed at.. I mean, when I say dumb shit, I just do it for fun, and I just kid...
  19. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Kuina was a bitch, honestly.. She says she can't become strongest just coz she's a girl? Fuck you. There are literally hundreds of high tier women in OP.. Pirates, Marines, you name it... And then she says things like "boo hoo, my boobs are getting big, I can't become strong now".. Oh yeah...
  20. Dr. Spook

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    Shower-thought: Like Raftel, what if Joy boy is a mistranslation of Gay boy?