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  1. Erkan12

    Future Events The Fate of Fleet Admiral and Admirals

    Why circumstances would be irrelevant? LOL. You compared Shanks to this when no one told you to compare them. Did Luffy follow Akainu like Shanks follows BB when BB and Ace was going to fight? This is the difference between the two. Luffy isn't interested and isn't asking about Akainu, he isn't...
  2. Erkan12

    Future Events The Fate of Fleet Admiral and Admirals

    Lmao, you give example from Shanks, and I debunked it. I didn't bring Shanks here, you did and now you are saying it's irrelevant? :kriwhat: You clearly can't compare this to Shanks, because I told you the huge difference, and anyone with a brain can understand this huge difference in here; -...
  3. Erkan12

    Future Events The Fate of Fleet Admiral and Admirals

    There is a HUGE difference here; - Luffy reacts at something that already happened; Akainu defeated Aokiji, it's over, and possibly killed Aokiji, which is a huge news for Luffy. - Shanks tells WB that Blackbeard WILL beat Ace, which is why he says his wound from BB hurts. If Luffy learned...
  4. Erkan12

    Future Events The Fate of Fleet Admiral and Admirals

    The context is important here, Luffy's scar ached only because Luffy learns Aokiji lost to Akainu, not because of hearing Akainu's name. Luffy hears Akainu's name here first and his scar doesn't hurt. He only reacts to it through his scar, when Jinbe tells him Akainu defeated Aokiji, which...
  5. Erkan12

    Future Events The Fate of Fleet Admiral and Admirals

    Oda wouldn't make them Celestial Dragon's subordinates if he really cared that much, Garp literally refused to be an Admiral, just because he didn't want to be a direct subordinate of the Celestial Dragons, that's how ''prestigious'' the Admiral position is, that Garp doesn't even want it.
  6. Erkan12

    Future Events The Fate of Fleet Admiral and Admirals

    5 Elder Stars are aliens, disguised as humans, or they could be using Ope Ope no mi's Eternal Youth ability (Oda mentioned this for a reason), and Doflamingo was aiming for becoming one of the Elder Stars by having the Eternal Youth via Ope Ope no mi. Imu could be an alien or using Eternal...
  7. Erkan12

    Future Events The Fate of Fleet Admiral and Admirals

    :vistalaugh: Not bad, I like this one.