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  1. Garp the Fist

    Character Discussion Yamato is Stronger Than King

    Certainly, Yamato is more important to the Onigashima/Wano arcthan Brook is. That doesn’t make her more important than Brook. Only time will be able to answer that. Brook had his own arc where he was the focus, had multiple chapters named after him in it, and has been around a lot longer...
  2. Garp the Fist

    Character Discussion Yamato is Stronger Than King

    Nah, you need to reread Thriller Bark. Getting Brook’s shadow back so he could join the crew was the primary aim of the arc. It had a lot of setup and weight. And Yamato is not a more important character than Brook. She might become so in the future if she becomes a Strawhat, but as things...
  3. Garp the Fist

    Character Discussion Yamato is Stronger Than King

    But Ulti was still well enough to get back up and fight her again. It’s really not a one-shot if it’s an attack on a foe who is occupied, and gets immediately back up to start fighting again. Ulti’s not in hybrid either, does that mean she’s not trying against Yamato? Yamato is stronger than...
  4. Garp the Fist

    Character Discussion Yamato is Stronger Than King

    Yes, Yamato is portrayed more than a fighter than Brook. But Brook still lost badly lost a fight that was every bit as important to him as Yamato’s fight will be to her. This is not true. Characters do get stomped in such battles. It happened to Brook, and it happened to Law. It just happened...
  5. Garp the Fist

    Character Discussion Yamato is Stronger Than King

    Brook lost his equivalent fight in Thriller Bark horribly. And Law really didn’t do all that well against Doflamingo either. Jumping the gun here. We know that Yamato will fight Kaido with all she has. But will Kaido, who is still insisting that he is Yamato’s father and will make her Shogun...