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  1. Halyup

    General & Others Oda is not paying attention

    They aint worried about Bigmeme All the emphasis is on Kaido and The Samurai
  2. Halyup

    General & Others Oda is not paying attention

    And its a secret mission by Cp0 Doubt Gorosei informed Akainu about annexin Wano 1633712688 Cp0 is the highest in Cipher Pol They may have agents comparable to navy captains as well
  3. Halyup

    General & Others Oda is not paying attention

    And Lucci is leading the invasion fleet It wouldnt make sense if Lucci is leadin it if Navy is Involved lol
  4. Halyup

    General & Others Oda is not paying attention

    Navy and Cp0 have different goals 1633712130 Cp0 works for the Celestial Dragons True Interest While Navy implemens WGs Public Interests
  5. Halyup

    General & Others Oda is not paying attention

    Youre confused with Navy and Cp0 lmao Theyre both independent of each other 1633711927 Cp0 was always been in Wano No ones scared of Bigmeme