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  1. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Okay so if Zoro was raised in Shimotsuki village, surrounded by members of hus own family… Why doesnt he know any of this? Why doesnt Zoro know Kuina is his cousin or whatever and that Kozaburo is her grandfather? One of the main MAIN problems with every Zoro is a shimotsuki theory was that No...
  2. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Do you get what i mean? His thing was that Kozaburo left wano WITH ZORO on request from Ushimaru for whatever reason Yes he doesnt say this exactly but this is what he insinuates That Kozaburo leaving Wano connects to why Zoro is in the east blue or some shit… Which is wrong
  3. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Shanks having allied crews was a enforced since that bartolomeo cover story… Barto finds an island that has Shanks’ jolly roger indicating that Shanls has territories like other yonko… you cant have territories without a fleet
  4. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    @yorosenpai Tashigi and Kuina really do alike, huh, too
  5. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Tashigi and Kuina look alike too… No relationship though… And Oda doesnt need to explain why they look alike… they just do for plot
  6. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Tf? In the Ultimate chapter, they literally read out Lucky roo, Yasopp and Beckman’s names during the Yonko bounty discussion saying those three are a special class of commanders
  7. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    @yorosenpai Not really
  8. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    I mean if anyone in the crew besides Kaido should have awakening, it should be King
  9. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    He says Kozaburo’s leaving of wano likely has something to do with Ushimaru who then connects to Zoro Well, Kozaburo left Wano 55 years ago, BEFORE orochi or Kaido became problems and Ushimaru kept living in wano for many uears afterwards no problem
  10. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Sure but so far we have seen A fox with a human fruit that managed to tangle with Zoro and there’s chopper… So… Could just be another human fruit
  11. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    No these are direct crew mates… these are executives like how the Tobi roppo are Kaido’s excutives Yassop Lucky Roo and Beckman are Top executives/commanders Rockstar is basically just a crewmate… Oda mentions shanks has allied crews like how Luffy has the grand fleet
  12. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    The lore portion is Oda saying they are Shanks’ executives… Except Rockstar… The monkey is an executive though
  13. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Except the things in his actuap twirter thread have been debunked… Like he already made a mistake with the timeline of the Kozaburo business
  14. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Oda said he is willing to reveal more of the Shimotsuki clan later… So this statement has nothing to do with Zoro unless Zoro is first definitively stated to be a shimotsuki
  15. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    Given that we have Chopper with a human fruit and Onimaru was recently revealed to have a fuckin MYTHICAL human fruit… Yeah its most likely another human fruit again fpr the monkey…
  16. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    That monkeu definitely has a DF
  17. ImmaIvanoM

    Volume 101 - Discussion Thread

    You mean how the only thing Enma does is suck out armament haki… Like how it was explained in Chapter 955 and people kept saying Enma does other things but no, it actually only does the exact thing it was stated to do from the start