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  1. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    Well, it took me a while, but I now have 100% the game and got every achievement. Straw Hats at Lv. 99 with every Cubes. So, all ready for Thursday.
  2. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    So, Arabastra is conquered by Crocodile, and Law defeated Doflamingo and seems to rule Dressrosa. I wonder what corrupted Marineford will be. Maybe have Kaido or Big Mom instead of Whitebeard?
  3. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    Has anyone found some of the Memorial Log stuff. All I have is Eyelashes, Pre-Time Skip Franky and Lucci, both forms.
  4. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    This game really needed Skypiea with all the story connections to the Sky Islands. I would have traded it for Marineford, if necessary.
  5. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

  6. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    For those curious, it seems the reason why Franky and Brook won't be in the start of the game...
  7. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    Is it me or does it take things forever to download?
  8. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    And update Koby's outfit, too!
  9. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    They better bring back Kuma, Moria, Garp, Enel, Magellan and all the others they cut from 3.
  10. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    Yeah, I got it pre-ordered.
  11. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    For what it's worth, this image was in one of the earlier trailers: Six different symbols....
  12. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    No real talk about the villain of the game. I'm guessing it's either that explorer guy or the weird statue thing that chases the Straw Hats.
  13. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    I believe development started around Whole Cake Island, so we should be up to there.
  14. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    I noticed in the journal that the Five Elders sent "someone" to hunt the Straw Hats at Waford.
  15. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    Thankfully, you can change out of the Fishman Island outfits.
  16. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey

    That was a decent showcase, but I'm hoping there's some actual towns in between the wilderness.
  17. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey "Waford" is the name of the setting. 1655261207 I had missed this tidbit: Note the Lunarian-like flame plume. Interesting.
  18. Johnny B. Decent

    News One Piece Odyssey Odyssey will have some gameplay shown tomorrow.