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  1. Light D Lamperouge


    You gotta have a very simple mindset, you know you can't be social, you can't be out doing a lot of other activities.... So you put on the blinders and have tunnel vision on what that ultimate goal is... I was always on track with everything, I mean everything was structured, I lived in a...
  2. Light D Lamperouge


  3. Light D Lamperouge


    Remember, bodybuilding...And I stress this over and over, it takes pattern of a lot of things, but it mainly working for the pump and doing a lot repetions, it's not about one or two or three or four reps, it's about 8- 12 repetions, getting constant blood flow to the muscle, in order to get...
  4. Light D Lamperouge


    Always remember: Basically what I try to do is I'm on a low carb diet, where I eat higher protein I restrict the carbs, so I burn of body- fat, but give your body enough carbs to go through the training So basically eating most of my carbohydrates around my training One big carb meal before...