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  1. Monkey D Theories

    Current Events The Decade of Zoro

    Why do you people even like zoro so much? Honest question.
  2. Monkey D Theories

    Current Events The Decade of Zoro

    I don't think we'll see anything about Zoro's father in wano. We just got out of an entire arc of Sanji's family drama and with the whole sabo situation, we're about to get into Luffy's family drama real soon. I just think Oda would do something different with Zoro. What I really would like...
  3. Monkey D Theories

    Current Events The Decade of Zoro

    I don't see how it is forced Katakuri has more in common with WB than any person Luffy has ever faced
  4. Monkey D Theories

    Current Events The Decade of Zoro

    Luffy's whitebeard is katakuri. Katakuri was nearly equal to Luffy, they were both KO'ed at the same time. Furthermore Katakuri has the same motivations as WB and it was even hinted that he could replace BM as captain of the BMP.
  5. Monkey D Theories

    Current Events The Decade of Zoro

    I cannot wait until Zoro gets the nidai kitetsu. With the nidai I'd easily put him on high high tier/low top tier/beckman level