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  1. Mugiwara56

    General & Others Let's talk for real, I had enough patience for 3 years. Luffy has no rival who is equal in Supernovas. Nobody !

    I take back what I said about Law. Law has done many things even though he is inferior to Luffy. It also has a great story and amazing treatment. Bonney also has special significance with Kuma, Blackbeard, Ace, The Navy, and the government.
  2. Mugiwara56

    General & Others Let's talk for real, I had enough patience for 3 years. Luffy has no rival who is equal in Supernovas. Nobody !

    The problem is that Kid is too far behind by Luffy on any individual strength, crew, poneglyph, fleet, allies all of that.
  3. Mugiwara56

    General & Others Let's talk for real, I had enough patience for 3 years. Luffy has no rival who is equal in Supernovas. Nobody !

    Some people said that before yes, the editors told Oda to create "rivals" of Luffy because Shabondy was not exciting. It can be seen from their treatment that they were not planned. In the main story whether the supernova is there or not there it does not change the scenario except Trafalgar...
  4. Mugiwara56

    General & Others Let's talk for real, I had enough patience for 3 years. Luffy has no rival who is equal in Supernovas. Nobody !

    If we see Dragon Ball and DBS Vegeta is close too Goku If we see Naruto Sasuke is close to Naruto
  5. Mugiwara56

    General & Others Let's talk for real, I had enough patience for 3 years. Luffy has no rival who is equal in Supernovas. Nobody !

    My patience has limits. I was told to wait for the Onigashima raid to give me my opinion, I waited. No Supernova have proven, individually or collectively with their crews, to rival Luffy. Anybody ! We can even remove Luffy from the crew, I'm sure with Zoro Sanji Jinbei and the other Mugiwara...