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  1. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Expectation: Who's Who is the strongest of the Tobi Roppo and Queen's equal Reality: :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
  2. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    This week’s episode of Timeskip Fails, Jinbe outshines Sanji in a fight with a Headliner. Followed by Kiku losing an arm. Not so tough after stabbing Kaidou’s hand, so you lose a whole arm. :gokulaugh:
  3. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    If Oven had Daifuku’s fruit, he would likely accomplish way more than him. Speaking of which, his brother’s biggest fail is destroying his own fleet with the genie because Sulong Carrot was too fast for him. He couldn’t catch a Mink that was nowhere near Pedro’s level. Let that sink in.
  4. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    He’s staying. Not like Big Mom needs him failing more in Wano.
  5. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Let’s talk Oven fails. Not only this hotheaded fool tries to sabotage the plan to make Big Mom’s new wedding cake because of his hate boner for Chiffon, but failed to kill Pound. The latter is especially glaring when the apple juice lover has no business surviving a high temperature spear to...
  6. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    But guys, we already have a thread for timeskip fails. :gokulaugh: But yeah, Jinbei is the Strawhat with the least L’s since Brook and Franky. Nothing comes up other than being knocked around by Big Mom and struggling with a swollen Wadatsumi.
  7. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Agreed. But Ace got himself killed from being triggered by Akainu’s words instead of you know, running to not have his crew’s rescue efforts be in vain. The most unfortunate fail for Ace himself.
  8. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Katakuri knew that one day Luffy would give the biggest Ls to his Mama. He took precautions, but got too cocky to have his snack time. But that’s why his mouth is ripped anyway, eating donuts too big for his own mouth.
  9. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Zoro: There is nothing that I can't cut. Also Zoro: *struggles to cut the Birdcage's strings* :laughmoji::laughmoji:
  10. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Lonquixote Loflamingo fears Craido as much as Craido fears Oden. :whitepress:
  11. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    He toyed around with Smokey then walked away shitting his pants once Kuzan shown up. He knows the latter would had fucked him up.
  12. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Kidd Lost to Pacifistas Got betrayed by Apoo Lost to Craido Always outshined by Luffy His first mate Killer gotten clapped by Zoro Escaped only to get captured again Taken hits from Apoo until his own first mate told him his weakness Struggled with Gifters like Zoro Killer Ate a failed smile...
  13. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    For shame. How the mighty has fallen. And not even the chad Gifters did that to him.
  14. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Bingo. No wonder he needs Diable Jamble. Just to warm himself.
  15. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Even Fred Flintstone is more durable. :laughmoji::laughmoji:
  16. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Chimenoa Smoko
  17. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    This post was made by the Caesar, Hordy Jones, Holdem, Babanuki, Cracker, Doflamingo, and Fujitora gang. :gokulaugh:
  18. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Definitely. He has more fails than all crew members combined.
  19. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    Tfw Oven was more of a threat to the whole crew than Katakuri. :myman:
  20. MugiwaraMaster

    Break Week Timeskip Fails

    This is the real winner here. Love it.