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  1. NotTommy

    Character Discussion Luffy & Zoro Parallels All Throughout One Piece

    If you see Ashura as a stronger attack than G3 sure but Lucci's still faster than Zoro (only G2 Luffy kept up with him and he was faster than Kaku) and his tekkai is stronger than Kaku's (and considering Kaku didn't use tekkai often against Zoro and instead opted to use Rankyuaky, I think that's...
  2. NotTommy

    Character Discussion Luffy & Zoro Parallels All Throughout One Piece

    Rob Lucci's Douriki level was way higher than Kaku's and his devil fruit wasn't accounted for either. Not to mention how their fruits compliment their six powers. Also Lucci and G2 Luffy were much faster than Zoro at this point. Would Asura have done more damage than G3 did to Lucci? If so, how...