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  1. Rorono zoro

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    From redon : the miracle medicine isn't chopper's idea, it's Miyagi's idea and zoro agree to take it. - Queen hybrid : his robotic hand and the tip of tail are like the "claws" of Doctor Octopus from Spider-Man 2 (in fact, the entire tail looks like a tentacle of Doctor Octopus with meat).
  2. Rorono zoro

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Q: うおー刀使うんか!! フーズフーかっけえわ A: 刀にはコロ助の刀みたいな短刀なんで思ったほどカッコよくない というか絵だけじゃ背後アングルだし何やってるかも分かりにくいコマ