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  1. Seth

    Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

  2. Seth

    Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

  3. Seth

    Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

    I have a really, really hard taste for collectibles, figurines and etc. But the one at the top is something I would put on my shelf. Lovely.
  4. Seth

    Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

  5. Seth

    Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

    I have a Daddy issue when it comes to parents in One Piece. Am I the only one who believes in one of the worst headcanons that Mihawk is Rayleigh and Shakky's son :/ ? I like it when the character has a strong Daddy. Thanks to Minato. Yo focking Thunder God Teleporting freak!.
  6. Seth

    Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

    If I was in OP world I would straight up ask Mihawk if Yoru is his sword because he thinks it looks cool xD.
  7. Seth

    Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

    Btw. How is this possible that no one created this FC before?
  8. Seth

    Fanclub Kuraigana - Mihawk Fan Club

    I'm in:endthis: