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  1. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    This should be a new thread, all the instances in One Piece in which we missed Haki.
  2. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Because they used it defensively. Both were confronted with a swordsman as opponent not knowing where he will attack. In Vergo´s case even more so, since his Haki was supposed to negate Law´s DF cutting attack (as they literally are stating), and neither can use FS to know where the attack will...
  3. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Haki in theory was not a bad idea but the execution was horrendous. From people knowing it and not knowing it (nonsensical, like i said, CP9 not knowing it makes no sense), to visual illustration and so forth. Yeah it´s a failure.
  4. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Yep it was a visual thing only to look more menacing, hence why BM suddenly pissing herself also did not make much sense.
  5. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Hence my point...
  6. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    The entire thing felt hella weird. I think Oda had no idea what to do as finisher (despite literally having the answer, mix of Sabo and Koala martial arts with giant limbs) and came up with this last minute to fit the Demon Child thing. 1628250165 Obviously i mean not knowing how to use it.
  7. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Robin not knowing Haki is as stupid as secret government assassins trained since their childhood not knowing Haki.
  8. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    It´s obvious Oda did not know how to make impactful power-ups for all the Strawhats over the 2 years. Robin´s power-up, while logical, really lacks the umph factor. And the demon looks impressive visually, it´s still the same thing, bigger and stronger. He could have done more with martial arts...
  9. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Yeah, Dressrosa had the same problem, only with the Grand Fleet. Btw, Ulti has nothing on WW, no idea where all the Ulti stans come from now.
  10. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Yama was a better fight.
  11. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    For me it´s canon in an alternate universe.
  12. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    It won´t be, since the editor message said "tremendous sacrifice", so it plays it like Momo is doing his part and is sacrificing his childhood to step up.
  13. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Yeah the haki thing is bad. To be fair, Black Maria i kind of can tolerate since she is so versatile with poison, fire, webs and a weapon, she can credibly make up for it and still be among the F6 but Sasaki was a no-go as a purely physical fighter. The tactics on both sides, Robin and BM, did...
  14. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Yep you are right, it looked cool, but the entire fight did not make much sense.
  15. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    The same way she forms giant legs. Her ability is to recreate her body parts, but post-TS she could fuse individual body parts to become like giant body parts, which implies there is no limit to the form she can take. Haki no, shading makes her look more menacing. She is even bigger, by far...
  16. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1021: Demonio

    Yeah Brook scales up to Robin and Franky, even if he does not get a fight. Who were the ones oneshotting Numbers so far? Luffy, Drake, Franky (same attack that beat Sasaki) and Yamato, the fifth one was beaten by Sulongs after a fierce fight.