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  1. Telias

    Break Week Top 20 most sold series 2020 (from Oricon)

    It is called democracy and everyone has his own opinion negative or positive and when you see a lot of negative ones....well lets say you cant ignore it. You are trying to force your opinion to us and judge others opinions calling them "toxic,hateful" behaving like one piece"s white knight but...
  2. Telias

    Break Week Top 20 most sold series 2020 (from Oricon)

    I ll put it in simple words for all of you,it is a shonen manga for underage crowd mainly boys and it should have A LOT OF FIGHTING SCENES!!! Most men reading this are over 20 and some over 30 like me,we grew up with violent anime and we WANT VIOLENCE. We are not girls reading light novels and...