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  1. The White Crane

    Powers & Abilities Sanji Conqueror Haki Confirmed

    Well, when Cook gets CoC, it confirms that a CoC user can be defeated by the "Ah, my Lord!" you may be speaking the truth here. :bamathink: :laughmoji:
  2. The White Crane

    Powers & Abilities Sanji Conqueror Haki Confirmed

    This. Cook FC's argument really boils down to Cook can have all those earlier than Zoro, but not CoC. :kobeha: Like, what the fuck? :rolaugh:
  3. The White Crane

    Powers & Abilities Sanji Conqueror Haki Confirmed

    When Cook is proven to be CoC-less in 3 chapters or so, it's business as usual, mates: let's not allow Cook FH ever live it down, just like all of us never letting them to live down all of their lousy predictions. :cheers:
  4. The White Crane

    Powers & Abilities Sanji Conqueror Haki Confirmed

    Yeah, but for now at least I enjoy having Midd >>> Cook. :suresure:
  5. The White Crane

    Powers & Abilities Sanji Conqueror Haki Confirmed

    Midd already used it after Kaido spanked him the first time, if we go by Kaido's words. Cook got cucked again, by Midd this time. :gokulaugh: