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  1. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    The strongest attack we've seen in the series, even top tiers would be severely wounded if it hit them. YC1+ characters (Luffy, Zoro, Marco, Beckman etc) are the weakest characters who can block/survive it.
  2. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Oda is really going to draw Orochi getting decapitated 9 times isn't he?
  3. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    I thought Zoro was around King and Queen's level before this chapter, but now he has to be on the same level as Marco and Beckman at the bare minimum.
  4. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Hybrid Kaido looks a lot better in action.
  5. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    The Kaido Big Mom attack may be the strongest attack in the series, top 3 for sure. Is there any other move that could be stronger then it?
  6. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Bro I just realized Franky and Sasaki have been fighting for like 10 chapters now.
  7. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    @ShishioIsBack was right. No one wanks Zoro harder then Oda.
  8. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Lol all it took for people to start liking Kidd was for him to knock an overweight old lady into the ocean.
  9. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Law probably threw a rock at her, then Kidd pushed her off when she was distracted. A lightning attack probably, can't see Zoro blocking an Elbaf Spear or Thunder Bagua yet.
  10. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    That would actually be pretty cool.
  11. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Jinbe: Doesn't need one. Franky: Seastone weapons. Robin: CoA or Awakening. Brook: New Sword, Awakening or Haki. Usopp: CoC.
  12. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    I wanna see some team attacks from Kidd and Zoro.
  13. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Don't let Zoro tanking two yonko attacks distract you from the fact that Usopp has gotten his skull cracked twice.
  14. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Could you elaborate on that?
  15. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Every roof chapter is a W for killer.
  16. TheKnightOfTheSea

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1009 Spoilers Discussion

    Damn they really just yeeted Linlin off the island.