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  1. VegaPank

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Who’sWho uses HIGAN Higan is the new one (shigan with sword)from CP9 1624435187 Who’s Who was in prison for 10 years and saw jinbe there 2 years ago when he was warlord
  2. VegaPank

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Editor note talking about Gomu Gomu fruit and how it is related to world government
  3. VegaPank

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    The mistake he made (who’s who) is with a devil fruit it self or the power (ability) of the fruit and it has something to do with the government
  4. VegaPank

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1017 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Queen vs Sanji Queen Hybrid