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  1. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    We still don't know about every event happened in OP world while our heroes were celebrating in Wano.
  2. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Weevil sensible. Kuma I don't think he will reach that level. Sabo must be above Luffy a little bit.
  3. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    What if Garp was a pirate, how much bounty he would get?
  4. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I wonder what type of tasks they did to increase their strength in two years. By the way, why they didn't increase their strength all these years!
  5. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I'll not be surprised if 3B bounty holders kicked out from "top 10 highest bounties in the story" list
  6. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Kaidou: "only a handful of the very strongest can!!!" Oda: Oh! both of my hands are full of "the handfull of the very strongest". Let's have a third hand! :)
  7. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    You remember when one piece fans were impressed with Jack bounty? Billions bounties became nothing.
  8. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I don't know why people upset about bounties. It'll not make any difference, cause there are no real bounty hunter.
  9. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Taxpayers pay to WG to enhance their lives, but unfortunately WG spend the money on bounty hunters.
  10. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    I think he is already dead
  11. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    But it is already revealed that no one surpassed these two guys
  12. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    How much bounty do you think Dragon will have? I think 4.4B, more than Big Mom less than Kaidou
  13. YouReadItWrong

    General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

    Yamato bounty will exceed 1.37B