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  1. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    eos zoro=roger mihawk>shanks a yonko luffy>roger=zoro
  2. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    so enma=shusui right same level
  3. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    yeah oden
  4. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    ofc it s harder lmao because u need a crew and poneglyphs
  5. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    some are :kayneshrug:
  6. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    mihawk>big mom and shanks not so hard
  7. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    he has a named attack with his sword :cheers:
  8. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    world strongest swordsman the most powerful swordsman yeah about skill:laughmoji:
  9. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    how the fk u know that is bullet lmao ? prove me
  10. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    can wait to see asura with advaced armament haki :steef: king kaido has no chance
  11. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    strongest slash lmao? a no named flying slash :milaugh:
  12. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    with sneak attacks lol face to face wb couldn t do shit
  13. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    eos zoro will be a beast 9 black blades advcoa coo coc ofc he will be > roger
  14. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    prime zeff gets the monent treatment lol
  15. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

  16. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    rayleigh level? never said that all i know zoro will be above mihawk shanks(a yonko) fuji etc
  17. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    mihawk is a knifeman to
  18. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    fuji has a df and he s a swordsman what he is tell me ? he s a swordsmanfruitman ?:milaugh:
  19. Zowo

    One Piece Chapter 966 Spoilers Discussion

    those guys aren t just swordsmen? aliens? hakimen?:milaugh: